Jay has laun­ched a pilot pro­ject for in-stream shopping

Strea­ming pro­vi­ders are always on the loo­kout for new busi­ness models. The Pots­­dam-based com­pa­ny trans­fer­me­dia Pro­duc­tion Ser­vices offers an inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­on with Jay: In-Stream Shop­ping. Based on meta­da­ta, users are sug­gested out­fits that match the respec­ti­ve sce­ne, which they can store direct­ly. It is no lon­ger neces­sa­ry to pick up a second device to do this. […]

Visi­ting the ZFK in Babelsberg

Pro­duc­tion of acces­si­ble media ser­vices for the deaf and more visi­bi­li­ty to the work of deaf film­ma­kers Media or digi­tal media can faci­li­ta­te inclu­si­on. They play a key role in peo­p­le being able to par­ti­ci­pa­te in socie­ty. So, what’s the situa­ti­on with ser­vices for the deaf or hard of hea­ring? Simp­le, you might think: after all, […]

UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film Pots­dam - Ope­ning of the new exhibition

Sin­ce 2019, Pots­dam has been appoin­ted a “UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film” and is thus part of the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve Cities net­work. Now, under the ques­ti­on “What makes Pots­dam a film city?”, the­re is an exhi­bi­ti­on about Pots­dam as a film city. This exhi­bi­ti­on was initia­ted by the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film Pots­dam office and sponsored […]

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor Start­up Fre­que has offi­ci­al­ly laun­ched its platform

Jus­tin Micha­el La Val­lee, co-foun­­der of the Media­Tech Hub start­up Fre­que, has announ­ced the offi­ci­al launch of its plat­form via a post on his Lin­ke­dIn. He also pro­mi­sed some new fea­tures that will fol­low during the next months. We want to con­gra­tu­la­te Fre­que for this step! About Fre­que Fre­que is a plat­form that should sim­pli­fy the post­pro­duc­tion process. […]

Three years UNESCO City of Film Potsdam

Pots­dam cele­bra­tes its third anni­ver­sa­ry as a UNESCO City of Film this year. The Bran­den­burg capi­tal is the first UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film in Ger­ma­ny. Nowhe­re else in Ger­ma­ny are so many natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal films made. To mark the occa­si­on, a trai­ler was released by Patrick Wal­lo­ch­ny from the com­pa­ny Ohne Falsch Film GbR – a graduate […]