MTH Unboxing: St. Audio

In the ever-gro­­wing world of pod­cas­ting, con­tent crea­tors are con­stant­ly loo­king for ways to reach and enga­ge their audi­ence. This is whe­re St​.Audio comes in, a plat­form that helps pod­cas­ters to expand their reach. The start-up par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram, a fun­ding pro­gram of the Media Inno­va­ti­on Cen­ter Babels­berg (MIZ) in coope­ra­ti­on with the Media­Tech Hub […]

MTH Unboxing: memodio

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the start­up memo­dio. Many peo­p­le use digi­tal ser­vices to keep an eye on their health, or to have a posi­ti­ve influence on it in the long term, […]

MTH Unboxing: VYVYT

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the start­up VYVYT. Places whe­re peo­p­le can mourn and com­me­mo­ra­te the loss of a loved one are as varied and indi­vi­du­al as how peo­p­le deal with death […]

MTH Unboxing: SongPush

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the music­tech start­up Song­Push. As a result of digi­tiza­ti­on, it has beco­me incre­asing­ly easy for musi­ci­ans and bands not only to record music, but also to publish […]

MTH Unboxing: Savvi

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the HR-tech start­up Sav­vi. Whe­ther for school, stu­dies or lan­guage - the fields in which lear­ning apps can be used are quite diver­se. And thanks to […]

MTH Unboxing: Snaque

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the media­tech start­up snaque. On many plat­forms and news por­tals, pay­walls are now well estab­lished. Lar­ge publishers rely on them just as much as small local […]