RAT.HUB | Lin­da Rath in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Fre­de­rik Fischer

RAT.HUB goes into the next round. In the RAT.HUB pod­cast series, Lin­da Rath talks to start­up foun­ders to find out how they think. This time she inter­view­ed Fre­de­rik Fischer.  Lin­da about Fre­de­rik Fischer: Today, I am joi­n­ed by Fre­de­rik Fischer. He is the foun­der and CEO of Neu­landia, a living and working model for the coun­try­si­de. 2014 […]

RAT.HUB | Your Start­up Pod­cast: Lin­da Rath in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Mar­kus Beckedahl

Lin­da on Mar­kus Becke­dahl: My guest today needs no intro­duc­tion and yet here are a few high­lights: I talk to the co-foun­­der of the re:publica con­fe­rence and the foun­der of netz​po​li​tik​.org. He wro­te the book Die Digi­ta­le Gesell­schaft (The Digi­tal Socie­ty), is a mem­ber of the Media Coun­cil of the Sta­te Media Aut­ho­ri­ty Ber­­lin-Bran­­den­­burg and was a mem­ber of […]

Rat.hub I Start­up Pod­cast: Lin­da in con­ver­sa­ton with Binoy Prabhakar

Lin­da about Binoy Prab­ha­kar: Today, I am joi­n­ed by Binoy Prab­ha­kar. He is the exe­cu­ti­ve edi­tor at Money­con­trol, one of India’s lar­gest busi­ness news plat­form. Binoy is also a for­mer Seni­or Edi­tor at the The Eco­no­mic Times and was a fel­low at the Tow-Knight Cen­ter for Entre­pre­neu­ri­al Jour­na­lism in New York. Curr­ent­ly, he runs an effi­ci­ent news­room, working […]