Dele­ga­ti­on from Fin­land visits Babelsberg

On Febru­ary 01, 2024, a dele­ga­ti­on from Fin­land visi­ted the Babels­berg media loca­ti­on. Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the city of Kot­ka, inclu­ding Toni Van­ha­la, Direc­tor of Urban Deve­lo­p­ment and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, Mark­ku Han­no­nen, Direc­tor of Urban Plan­ning, and Patri­cia Bro­as, Mana­ger of Urban Plan­ning, as well as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the com­pa­ny Cur­sor Oy, inclu­ding Eli­na Rei­ja­sa­lo, Head of Business […]

Zeitzeugin im Volucap ©
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Foto: Jakob Grasböck

Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty for Histo­ry Education

The VR Pro­ject “For Real? – Vir­tu­al Encoun­ters with His­to­ri­cal Eye­wit­nesses” When Holo­caust sur­vi­vors talk about their expe­ri­en­ces, they often do this at events, at the invi­ta­ti­on of schools or in front of TV came­ras. But now that more than 78 years have pas­sed sin­ce the end of the Nazi regime, the­re are fewer and fewer […]

Das Filmuni-Team und Alodia Witaszek Fotos - (c) Filmuniversität I Photo by Jakob Grasböck

“Volu­metric tes­tim­o­ny of Holo­caust sur­vi­vors” 2023

The pro­ject “Volu­metric Tes­tim­o­ny of Holo­caust Sur­vi­vors,” fun­ded by the Bran­den­burg Minis­try of for Eco­no­mic Affairs, Labour and Ener­gy, will con­ti­nue this year with the Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF Film Uni­ver­si­ty and the Bran­den­burg Socie­ty for Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry as a vir­tu­al encoun­ter. In Decem­ber 2022, the last eye­wit­ness Alo­dia Wit­as­zek-Napierała was inter­view­ed as part of the […]