Team visionYOU

Brin­ging media com­pe­tence to schools: visionY­OU does that

This is what hap­pens when three stu­dents lock them­sel­ves away for a crea­ti­ve work­shop in a remo­te stu­dent resi­dence deep in the woods near Ebers­wal­de: the first con­cept for the start-up visionY­OU. The three foun­ders - Made­lei­ne Wolf, Tere­sa Kreis and Paul Lorenz - are now con­ti­nuing to tin­ker away at their edu­ca­tio­nal com­pa­ny in the Media­TechLab. Their goal: each school should recei­ve the tools and sup­port to put media edu­ca­ti­on into prac­ti­ce in an effec­ti­ve way for every pupil. In an inter­view con­duc­ted on the green sofa of the Media­TechLab Lounge at Stu­dio Five, we spo­ke with them about Die Sen­dung mit der Maus, edu­ca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny and how the glass in their office with the litt­le slips of paper make them persevere.

As the visionY­OU foun­ding mem­bers, we are…

Geeks and pio­neers in digi­tal education.

visionY­OU is…

The crea­ti­ve agen­cy for digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on. We crea­te modern and mul­ti­me­dia edu­ca­ti­on con­cepts for schools, edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons and com­pa­nies – inter alia, in the fields of media com­pe­tence, entre­pre­neur­ship, coding, voca­tio­nal ori­en­ta­ti­on and fin­ding young employees. We sup­port tea­chers for the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in edu­ca­ti­on. We pro­vi­de them with rea­dy-to-use tea­ching con­cepts and advan­ced trai­ning in the form of e-lear­ning. With our visi­on­Tour, young peo­p­le expe­ri­ence a mul­ti­me­dia voca­tio­nal ori­en­ta­ti­on and can find intern­ships and trai­ning places more easi­ly. As we are rea­ching young peo­p­le in their own lan­guage, we can also help com­pa­nies to get to know poten­ti­al trai­nees per­so­nal­ly at an ear­ly stage. We also pro­du­ce our own film for­mats for this pur­po­se - for our­sel­ves and our affiliates.

Our busi­ness idea came about…

Becau­se, as digi­tal nati­ves, we could no lon­ger stand wat­ching how slug­gish digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on was advan­cing in a coun­try with as much poten­ti­al as Ger­ma­ny. That’s why we locked our­sel­ves in a remo­te stu­dent hos­tel deep in the woods near Ebers­wal­de for a crea­ti­ve work­shop back in 2016 and then re-emer­ged with our first idea after four days, which we then refi­ned during the work on our master’s the­sis and put into prac­ti­ce during our EXIST start-up scholarship.

We had our first VR experience…

Paul’s first encoun­ter was at some point in the 90s in a cyber­space café near Ber­lin Zoo sta­ti­on with For­te VFX1 head­gear. He would pro­ba­b­ly be a game deve­lo­per now if the tech­no­lo­gy had estab­lished its­elf back then. What a stro­ke of luck for us…

Best digi­tal media edu­ca­ti­on pro­duct ever (except for visionYOU)…

Die Sen­dung mit der Maus! It was and is a doo­zie, but, for schools, it’s defi­ni­te­ly the tablet the­se days. Tablets offer infi­ni­te pos­si­bi­li­ties, espe­ci­al­ly if they are used to com­ple­ment clas­si­cal tea­ching and e-lear­ning. And best of all, they can be used any­whe­re the­se days. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, they are often used just as “dis­play devices” ins­tead of being used for the various pos­si­bi­li­ties of inter­ac­tion with the users. So, we have made it our mis­si­on to deve­lop the right tea­ching con­cepts – on a inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry basis – for using digi­tal media in schools and bey­ond, and to pro­vi­de them to the teachers.

Our cur­rent pro­duct in August for coming and joi­ning in and try­ing out…

Our visi­on­Tour. This is a mul­ti­me­dia pro­ject week on voca­tio­nal ori­en­ta­ti­on for school clas­ses. Young peo­p­le expe­ri­ence vir­tu­al impul­ses, see real adven­tures in com­pa­nies and reflect on what they have lear­nt through peer education.

The start-up team of two women and one man got to know each other…

…and have been going through thick and thin ever since.

For us, Pots­dam is…

The place to be!

In 2021, visionY­OU will be…

Con­ti­nuing unab­a­ted­ly to make edu­ca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny sus­tainable, bar­ri­er and cli­ché-free, and, abo­ve all, crea­ti­ve and sustainable.

Your visi­on, and the countries/​markets whe­re it is represented…

In Ger­man-spea­king count­ries by 2020. From 2021 onwards, we want to have a pre­sence at every place within the Kui­per Belt in the edu­ca­ti­on market .

We have expe­ri­ence as…

a dish­wa­sher, meat coun­ter sales assistant, fashion desi­gner, recrui­ter, cof­fee expert, web desi­gner, inno­va­ti­on dri­ver, wai­ter, entre­pre­neurs, mara­thon run­ner, best men, employ­er, dog lover, mar­ke­teer, sup­port­ing actor, e-ath­le­te, bal­let dancer…

We offer…

Pas­si­on, endu­rance, stami­na, cou­ra­ge and humour.

We finan­ce our­sel­ves / are backed…

Through equi­ty, grants, and, hop­eful­ly, via a bank loan as well as our job contracts.

Our favou­ri­te loca­ti­on for net­wor­king in Babels­berg is…

The beers after work with the affi­lia­tes at the Babels­berg film studios.

We recom­mend every startup…

Find a way for you per­so­nal­ly to deal with fail­ure. We have pla­ced a glass in our office and regu­lar­ly throw litt­le notes into it recor­ding our suc­ces­ses, both the litt­le ones and the big ones. When things don’t go as well as we would like them to, the suc­ces­ses we’­ve achie­ved tog­e­ther are then a con­stant reminder.

That is still important for us…

Always have a towel with you. You never know…

You can find us at…

August-Bebel-Str. 26-53, at Stu­dio Five, 3rd flo­or, fourth door, on the left and here

The small print…

visionY­OU GmbH was foun­ded in Pots­dam in Octo­ber 2017. We have been sup­port­ed by the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Energy’s EXIST start-up scho­lar­ship sin­ce May 2017 and recei­ved the “New Per­spec­ti­ves Spe­cial Award ” at the 2017 Start­green Awards in Novem­ber 2017.

We found the first affi­lia­tes during our EXIT pha­se and suc­cessful­ly pilo­ted our con­cepts like the visi­on­Tour with the first schools in the regi­on. We make the digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on of tomor­row a rea­li­ty today. So, don’t hesi­ta­te, get in touch!

About MTH Blog

The media technologies of the future are already being used today – not only in the entertainment sector, but also in a wide variety of industries. Christine Lentz meets up with tech enthusiasts, established companies and researchers for our monthly MediaTech Hub Potsdam blog to tell the stories behind the innovative business models.