Bild D-Labs

How the Pots­dam-based com­pa­ny D-LABS helps visi­tors find their way around the Bode Museum

How can visi­tors be gui­ded through the thick walls of the Bode-Muse­um with an app alt­hough they don’t have W-LAN, mobi­le pho­ne or satel­li­te recep­ti­on, or even GPS, and not­hing can be chan­ged struc­tu­ral­ly? The Pots­dam-based com­pa­ny D-LABS (initia­ted by Has­so Platt­ner in 2006) was facing this chall­enge in 2018. SAP, who has been one of the main sup­port­ers of the Prus­si­an Cul­tu­ral Heri­ta­ge Foun­da­ti­on (SPK) for many years, com­mis­sio­ned D-LABS to pro­vi­de an app for the “Bey­ond Compa­re - Art from Afri­ca” exhi­bi­ti­on at Berlin’s Bode-Muse­um to suit the actu­al user needs and be sta­te of the art.

The mana­ging part­ner of D-LABS, Jörn Hart­wig, an alum­nus of the Has­so Platt­ner Insti­tu­te, says: “We help cus­to­mers to under­stand whe­re the dif­fe­rence is bet­ween desi­re and need”. D-LABS designs, opti­mi­zes and imple­ments digi­tal pro­ducts and ser­vices with a clear focus on the essen­ti­al: the needs of the user. With sound know-how in the are­as of user rese­arch, digi­tal expe­ri­ence design and soft­ware engi­nee­ring, the digi­tal experts work tog­e­ther in inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry teams to crea­te opti­mal digi­tal solu­ti­ons. The solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted and clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the tech­no­lo­gy experts from SAP Con­sul­ting Ber­lin also enab­led them to work tog­e­ther to bridge the gap bet­ween tech­no­lo­gy and design.

Clau­dia Stein­hoff, Direc­tor User Expe­ri­ence Design at D-LABS, explains that the exhi­bi­ti­on the app was being deve­lo­ped for was spread over seve­ral flo­ors of the muse­um and in various muse­um are­as. The com­pa­ra­ti­ve exhi­bits stood next to exis­ting art in the muse­um. The task was to sug­gest a tour and use the app to show visi­tors whe­ther they were in the right room. “The con­cep­ti­on and design pha­se of the mixed teams las­ted about three months. But the real chal­lenges came afterwards…”

“We made use of Son­oBe­a­cons, small loud­spea­k­ers that emit signals at a very high fre­quen­cy that can’t be heard by a human being, but which can be recei­ved (heard) by the smart­phone,” adds Jörn Hart­wig. “We wan­ted to equip the exhi­bits direct­ly with them. So, the Son­oBe­a­cons sup­pli­er crea­ted an even nicer design for us. But then we lear­nt that the Son­oBe­a­cons could not pla­ced direct­ly on the art objects for aes­the­tic reasons. We had­n’t reckon­ed on that at all. We then thought about the alter­na­ti­ve of fil­ling the who­le room with sound. But then the spea­k­ers tur­ned out to be much too quiet for that.” In the end, they had to install a Son­oBe­a­cons - Blue­tooth com­bi­na­ti­on in the pas­sa­ge­ways. This is not ide­al, but still meets all the needs of both the art and the visitors.

The app its­elf, with its intui­ti­ve user gui­dance, offers the visi­tor addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on once they have com­ple­ted the gui­ded tour. Afri­can and Euro­pean art are jux­ta­po­sed, the­re are inte­res­t­ing facts about spe­cial mar­kings on the art, pic­tures of the exhi­bits are shown in their ori­gi­nal sur­roun­dings, and the­re are also inter­views and vide­os as well as lots of other pie­ces of exci­ting information. 

The inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy can now also be found in other muse­ums - in various dif­fe­rent forms. “D-LABS was a cou­ra­ge­ous pio­neer,” says Hart­wig. “We have recei­ved many plau­dits for this. Of cour­se, the­re was also cri­ti­cism becau­se things don’t always work with new tech­no­lo­gies”. The pro­ject taught him “that a well thought-out idea could be working well, but then fail due to quite dif­fe­rent things – in this par­ti­cu­lar case, it was becau­se of the argu­ment that such a loud­spea­k­er could impair the aes­the­tics of the works of art. “This was a mis­hap which could even hap­pen to us as experts in the fields of user expe­ri­ence and cus­to­mer focus.” Clau­dia Stein­hoff adds: “Even the best digi­tal pro­duct is use­l­ess if you don’t have the who­le con­text in mind.“ 

In gene­ral, Hart­wig and Stein­hoff warn against sim­ply set­ting up an app for every muse­um. Digi­tal sup­port may be good for muse­ums, but some­ti­mes having a mobi­le pho­ne in your hand can be a hin­drance, for exam­p­le, in an expe­ri­men­tal muse­um. The need must be pre­cis­e­ly deter­mi­ned in advance.

Whoe­ver would like to get an idea of the D-LABS app for the Bode-Muse­um should click here for the iOS app and the Android app.

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