News agen­cy from space

How the Media­Tech Hub start-up Vertical52 uses satel­li­te data for jour­na­lism It’s hard to ima­gi­ne satel­li­te TV, navi­ga­ti­on devices, wea­ther fore­casts and, of cour­se, the mili­ta­ry wit­hout them: more than 5,500 satel­li­tes are orbi­ting the Earth in space - inclu­ding about 500 Earth obser­va­ti­on satel­li­tes. Space agen­ci­es like the ESA or satel­li­te ope­ra­tors like Planet […]

The Swarm is coming

Why sound and crea­ti­ve pro­ces­ses in post-pro­­duc­­ti­on are play­ing a spe­cial role in the best­sel­ler adapt­a­ti­on A glo­bal best­sel­ler run­ning to 900 pages, published 20 years ago and long con­side­red unfilmable: Frank Schätzing’s sci­ence fic­tion thril­ler “The Swarm” has now pre­mie­red as a six-part series at this year’s Ber­li­na­le. Boas­ting a bud­get of 40 mil­li­on Euros, the series is […]

Trai­ning men­tal well­be­ing or lea­der­ship skills

the Sav­vi app offers digi­tal trai­ning on the job Pro­fes­sio­nal life doesn’t stand still and the demand for fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on is gre­at. A recent stu­dy on fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on by the digi­tal asso­cia­ti­on Bit­kom shows that 31 per cent of respond­ents inves­ted more of their working time into fur­ther trai­ning sin­ce the begin­ning of the pan­de­mic in March 2020. […]

Strong col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to address skills shortage

The Media Coll­ec­ti­ve trai­ning net­work is com­mit­ted to deve­lo­ping new pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning pro­gram­mes for the audio­vi­su­al indus­try throug­hout Ger­ma­ny. They are miss­ing - from all sides, skil­led workers. And their much-cited shorta­ge has also exis­ted in the audio­vi­su­al indus­try for some time. It’s not only the demo­gra­phic chan­ge that’s lea­ving gaps. The strea­ming pro­duc­tions, which […]

Play­wall ins­tead of Paywall

Start­up Snaque enables pre­mi­um con­tent wit­hout a pay­wall Paid con­tent is the pre­do­mi­nant topic in the publi­shing indus­try - and right­ly so. For far too long, media com­pa­nies have reli­ed sole­ly on reach and free con­tent on the web. Whe­ther lea­ding media or regio­nal news por­tals: pay­walls have now been estab­lished almost ever­y­whe­re, allo­wing only registered […]

Retail in the Metaverse

What oppor­tu­ni­ties are now available for com­pa­nies A vir­tu­al world that will be con­side­red as an addi­tio­nal rea­li­ty to our real world? This digi­tal space curr­ent­ly exists as a meta­ver­se on various plat­forms such as Decen­tra­land, The Sand­box or Fort­ni­te. We can gene­ra­te an ava­tar in the three-dimen­­sio­nal exten­si­on so as to visit vir­tu­al con­certs or […]

The Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence 2022

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty, Cloud Tech­no­lo­gy and „The New Vir­tu­al”  How can we use media tech­no­lo­gies to shape our socie­ty in a sus­tainable way? The big ques­ti­on of this year’s Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence 2022 hover­ed over the panels and work­shops – inter­na­tio­nal media pro­fes­sio­nals and tech enthu­si­asts dis­cus­sed the latest trends and prac­ti­ces in media tech­no­lo­gies – from Web3, […]

(c) jay Metadata Tech_transfermedia

Info­tain­ment and in-stream shopping

Some­ti­mes you spot a pair of snea­k­ers in a sce­ne, that pret­ty red dress the actress is wea­ring, or a pie­ce of fur­ni­tu­re you’d like to buy later on. Or you won­der whe­re tho­se impres­si­ve cliffs by the coast are that one can always see in the back­ground. And what was the name of the actor again who’s […]

Smart Coun­try, a Con­sti­tu­ti­on for Plat­forms and Data from Space: Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam at re:publica 2022

“Any­whe­re the wind blows” is sung by Fred­dy Mer­cu­ry at the end of Bohe­mi­an Rhap­so­dy - and this line in the song ser­ved as the mot­to for the re:publica digi­tal con­fe­rence when it was held again after a two-year break due to the pan­de­mic. The four-day event at the begin­ning of June attrac­ted 25,000 visi­tors, and […]


Safer roads and smoot­her traf­fic flow