
How volu­metric film is chan­ging cine­ma and our vie­w­ing habits

The Volu­cap has now been an inte­gral part of the stu­dio lot in Pots­­dam-Babels­­berg over the past two years. The stu­dio was alre­a­dy con­side­red to be a mile­stone on its ope­ning, and it is the first volu­metric pro­duc­tion stu­dio world­wi­de with a reso­lu­ti­on of over 600 mega­pi­xels. How has the stu­dio deve­lo­ped? What has hap­pen­ed in the […]


How the start-up CI HUB makes crea­ti­ve teams’ dai­ly workload that easier with its auto­ma­ti­on software

Update mar­ke­ting mate­ri­als with a sin­gle click and use them cen­tral­ly: how the start-up CI HUB makes crea­ti­ve teams’ dai­ly workload that easier with its auto­ma­ti­on software.


Ope­ra­ting in vir­tu­al space

Vir­tu­al rea­li­ty is used to train sur­ge­ons in a playful way in working with sur­gi­cal robots.


The digi­tal cour­se of water

In the future, cities will face the chall­enge of opti­mi­sing and digi­tal­ly con­trol­ling their water sup­p­ly. The Pots­­dam-based com­pa­ny Vrag­ments is deve­lo­ping spe­ci­fic apps and aug­men­ted rea­li­ty appli­ca­ti­ons to take us on a vir­tu­al tour to the groundwater. 


VR at Rolls Roy­ce: how to test engi­nes that don’t yet exist as hardware

Whoe­ver gets out at the last stop of the S2 in Blan­ken­fel­de on the way from Ber­lin to Rolls Roy­ce in Dah­le­witz has left the big city far behind them. Only the pla­nes in the sky taking off and landing at near­by Schoe­ne­feld give a hint of the pro­xi­mi­ty to Ber­lin. The mul­ti­cul­tu­ral com­po­si­ti­on of the people […]

Bild D-Labs

How the Pots­dam-based com­pa­ny D-LABS helps visi­tors find their way around the Bode Museum

How can visi­tors be gui­ded through the thick walls of the Bode-Muse­um with an app alt­hough they don’t have W-LAN, mobi­le pho­ne or satel­li­te recep­ti­on, or even GPS, and not­hing can be chan­ged struc­tu­ral­ly? The Pots­­dam-based com­pa­ny D-LABS (initia­ted by Has­so Platt­ner in 2006) was facing this chall­enge in 2018. SAP, who has been one […]

New ways of working in Potsdam

The working world is chan­ging. As a result of digi­ti­sa­ti­on, more and more peo­p­le now have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work auto­no­mously in a new, inspi­ring envi­ron­ment. The pio­neers are inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies and start-ups – inclu­ding ones based in Pots­dam. In essence, the idea is that one should have per­so­nal con­trol as far as pos­si­ble on deter­mi­ning the […]

How Media­Tech pro­mo­tes the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of peo­p­le with disabilities

Gam­ing can pro­mo­te the social, equal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of peo­p­le with various disa­bi­li­ties and help over­co­me the obs­ta­cles to making cont­act. But how? This was the sub­ject of the “INCLU­SI­VE GAM­ING” Inno­va­ti­on Day on 18 Novem­ber, 2019 ahead of the Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence in Pots­dam. Tog­e­ther with the Digi­tal Health Hub in Nure­m­­berg-Erlan­­gen, BIRNE7 e.V. and […]

Strea­ming films free of char­ge and in the com­fort of your own home: film­fri­end makes it possible

Do you like movies? Are you a real film lover? Then you might be inte­res­ted in film­fri­end. Thanks to the strea­ming ser­vice from Pots­dam you can now watch films free of char­ge using your libra­ry card. That is, if your libra­ry has film­fri­end among its ran­ge of ser­vices. This is alre­a­dy the case in over 70 […]

Stu­dio Babelsberg’s Art Depart­ment crea­tes the future in the Futurium

Berlin’s Futu­ri­um, the new impo­sing muse­um made enti­re­ly of glass next to the Main Sta­ti­on, opens up new per­spec­ti­ves on con­ceiva­ble futures. Babelsberg’s Art Depart­ment has also crea­ted visi­ons in the Futu­ri­um in the same way that it does for films.