Screenshot Barberini App

The Bar­be­ri­ni App: The inter­ac­ti­ve muse­um gui­de from Pots­dam for Potsdam

Digi­ti­sa­ti­on and art: a per­fect match! The Bar­be­ri­ni Muse­um in Pots­dam shows us the way - and rea­ches pre­do­mi­nant­ly young peo­p­le whe­re they tend to be the­se days. On the web. The muse­um is thus taking on a pio­nee­ring role here. Visi­tors are gui­ded through inter­ac­ti­ve worlds via apps. But what does the inter­ac­tion look like?

Gre­at value is pla­ced on the digi­tal pro­ces­sing of each indi­vi­du­al exhi­bi­ti­on at the Pots­dam cul­tu­ral insti­tu­ti­on which only just ope­ned in the recon­s­truc­ted Palais Bar­be­ri­ni on 20 Janu­ary, 2017. That’s not sur­pri­sing given that the Ger­man soft­ware entre­pre­neur Has­so Platt­ner, the foun­der of SAP, was the patron of the recon­s­truc­tion and respon­si­ble for the art collection. 

Visi­tors can alre­a­dy down­load the free Bar­be­ri­ni App in advan­ce and recei­ve a wealth of back­ground infor­ma­ti­on about the muse­um. The award-win­ning mul­ti­me­dia gui­de puts the apps of major muse­ums such as the Muse­um of Modern Art or the Metro­po­li­tan Muse­um in the sha­de. This is not only shown by the apps’ user ratings, but also by such awards as “Gold Win­ner” at the Muse Award and “Sil­ver Win­ner” at the Best Mobi­le Awards pre­sen­ted to the Bar­be­ri­ni app. The app also came third in the Bran­den­burg Design Award. It plays a pio­nee­ring role in the cul­tu­ral sce­ne becau­se the app can be used to buy tickets for admis­si­on direct­ly. No more queu­ing at the ticket office. Just check in like for a flight. 

The com­pa­ny behind the smart gui­de, Micro­Mo­vie Media, has been con­cei­ving, desig­ning and pro­gramming apps, digi­tal media and con­tent for cul­tu­re and sci­ence for over 10 years. When the Pots­da­mers heard about the call for ten­der for the Bar­be­ri­ni App, they appli­ed, pre­vai­led against the com­pe­ti­ti­on and star­ted to deve­lop the later award-win­ning smart gui­de for the muse­um. Micro­Mo­vie Media’s Mana­ging Direc­tor Jas­dan Joer­ges, a bio­in­for­ma­ti­ci­an with a doc­to­ra­te, who had alre­a­dy been a pas­sio­na­te pro­gramm­er as a school­boy and then work­ed for 10 years as a cura­tor, exhi­bi­ti­on plan­ner and con­sul­tant after finis­hing uni­ver­si­ty, brought all his pas­si­ons tog­e­ther for the smart guide.

The com­plex muse­um plat­form runs on two ser­vers. One of the ser­vers is loca­ted direct­ly in the muse­um. Visi­tors are then sup­port­ed on site with the app to be able to explo­re the muse­um and expe­ri­ence art indi­vi­du­al­ly. Peo­p­le are navi­ga­ted through the muse­um by means of a sophisti­ca­ted bea­con sys­tem that sends signals to visi­tors via Blue­tooth, for exam­p­le, when they enter a new room. In this way, they can expe­ri­ence art indi­vi­du­al­ly. Visi­tors can choo­se their tours from a varie­ty of the­mes. Audio gui­des are also available. The app also pro­vi­des gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on about the buil­ding and the exhi­bi­ti­ons. The­re is a spe­cial, playful offer for par­ents and their child­ren. 360 degree tours are also offered.

An audio gui­de for the Pots­dam city wal­king tour has also been available as an app sin­ce sum­mer 2019. The focus is on the “Ita­li­an” Pots­dam, sites that have models in Ita­ly. The voice for this tour comes from none other than Gün­ther Jauch. Bea­cons were loca­ted at the rele­vant points in Pots­dam, informing the user about inte­res­t­ing facts via smart­phone at the respec­ti­ve location.

The Tate Modern in Lon­don, the Rijks­mu­se­um in Ams­ter­dam or the Metro­po­li­tan Muse­um in New York have been working on digi­ti­sa­ti­on for much lon­ger than the Bar­be­ri­ni. But the­se are the excep­ti­ons. “The­re is a huge inter­na­tio­nal back­log,” says Dr. Jas­dan Joer­ges, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Micro­Mo­vie Media. “The Bava­ri­an Pina­ko­the­ken, the Deut­sches Muse­um or the Stif­tung Staat­li­che Muse­en Ber­lin and many others are curr­ent­ly working inten­si­ve­ly on this.“ This also appli­es to Micro­Mo­vie Media’s cli­ents such as the Klas­sik Stif­tung Wei­mar or the Hum­boldt Forum in Ber­lin. Micro­Mo­vie Media its­elf is curr­ent­ly working on the first Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty / Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty pro­ject - this time in Sou­thern Ger­ma­ny. Should the­re be fur­ther, lar­ger pro­jects in this field, Micro­Mo­vie Media could well ima­gi­ne working with part­ners from the Media Tech Hub Pots­dam such as VoluCap.

By Eva Werner

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