eGeia virtuelle Physiotherapie

Vir­tu­al physiotherapy

How the start-up eGeia is brin­ging rehab into your own living room

If you’­ve sur­vi­ved a medi­cal emer­gen­cy or a major ope­ra­ti­on, reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on mea­su­res usual­ly fol­low. Howe­ver, reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on tre­at­ments are time-con­­sum­ing and the­r­e­fo­re not always easy for pati­ents to inte­gra­te into their ever­y­day lives. In struc­tu­ral­ly weak are­as, the distances peo­p­le have to tra­vel for their the­ra­py are often long, and pati­ents are limi­t­ed in their mobi­li­ty par­ti­cu­lar­ly after a hip ope­ra­ti­on or a frac­tu­re. In addi­ti­on, the­re is a shorta­ge of qua­li­fied phy­sio­the­ra­pists: tho­se who urgen­tly need phy­sio­the­ra­py usual­ly have to make num­e­rous calls befo­re a place is found or they end up on wai­ting lists.

The Pots­­dam-based start­up eGeia shows that things can be dif­fe­rent in the future with its eHe­alth pro­duct Mei­neRe­ha. The start­up brings the reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cent­re and the the­ra­pist into your own living room. The eGeia GmbH team mana­ged to do this by deve­lo­ping a soft­ware as part of its work at the Fraun­ho­fer Institute’s FOKUS to record move­ment data and pro­vi­de gui­dance for a digi­tal exer­cise pro­gram­me. A sen­sor box con­nec­ted to the TV set enables the pati­ent to see a mir­ror image of them­sel­ves as they are per­forming the move­ments. The intel­li­gent algo­rithm is able to reco­g­ni­se the per­son in the room and abs­tract them from the envi­ron­ment. The sen­sor mea­su­res the indi­vi­du­al lim­bs, the arms and leg move­ments three-dimen­­sio­nal­­ly in real time and keeps an eye on sequen­ces and even angu­lar dimen­si­ons during each exer­cise. Is the squat in the right posi­ti­on? Does the upper body need to be bent more? The pro­gram­me then ana­ly­ses the data and also trans­mits the pro­gress of the the­ra­py from the pre­vious weeks to the the­ra­pists. This means that pati­ents can per­form the exer­ci­s­es fle­xi­bly at any time, but are still not left to their own devices.

“Mei­neRe­ha is effec­tively the exten­ded arm of the the­ra­pist,” says mana­ging direc­tor Maciej Piwo­w­ar­c­zyk vel Dabrow­ski. The­ra­pists are­n’t repla­ced by their digi­tal assistants - in many cases, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on will be even more per­so­nal and direct. In addi­ti­on, no one in the back row will be over­loo­ked unli­ke in a crow­ded trai­ning room. On the con­tra­ry, thanks to the ana­ly­sis and recor­ding, the the­ra­pist can keep a clo­se eye on every move­ment. If an exer­cise does­n’t quite work or feels real­ly pain­ful, pati­ents can get in touch and ask for help. The sys­tem sends the request to the the­ra­pists who­se inter­face coll­ects all the data. They can then see the cur­rent sta­tus of the the­ra­py pro­cess, but also access the pati­ents’ records or use the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tool. The­ra­pists can also be con­nec­ted direct­ly via an inte­gra­ted video con­fe­rence and cor­rect the exer­ci­s­es. The same appli­es to the ana­ly­ses: the objec­ti­ve mea­su­re­ments are more accu­ra­te than jud­ging by eye. The addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on means that it is even pos­si­ble to impro­ve or extend the dia­gno­sis or the­ra­py in some cases.

Half an hour of dai­ly exer­cise in front of the TV: the pro­ce­du­re almost resem­bles an online fit­ness pro­gram­me for the pati­ents. But the medi­cal com­po­nent is para­mount to Mei­neRe­ha. “Our sys­tem was deve­lo­ped tog­e­ther with the­ra­pists and doc­tors. We meet the safe­ty regu­la­ti­ons and are curr­ent­ly working on regu­la­to­ry appr­oval as a medi­cal pro­duct. The qua­li­ty stan­dards requi­red are enorm­ous becau­se the sys­tem can’t make any mista­kes or any mista­kes must be detec­ta­ble. Our sys­tem must func­tion at least as well as humans, and that’s what it is doing,” says Mana­ging Direc­tor Piwo­w­ar­c­zyk vel Dabrow­ski. In the future, it is con­ceiva­ble that one might also offer phy­sio­the­ra­py, phy­si­cal pre­ven­ti­on work, after­ca­re or pre­ven­ti­ve care in addi­ti­on to reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on care.

The sys­tem is desi­gned in such a way that even older peo­p­le can ope­ra­te it with ease. The web­cam is inte­gra­ted, the spe­cial sen­sor and the soft­ware are sup­pli­ed. All the digi­tal rehab needs is a power sup­p­ly and a TV set to get star­ted. Sin­ce the focus is on move­ment, the came­ra only pro­vi­des a video sec­tion of the patient’s body. The living room’s fur­ni­tu­re, the colour of the sofa or the wall­pa­per are not film­ed and thus pri­va­cy is pre­ser­ved. It is also important for data pro­tec­tion that the pati­ents can them­sel­ves then deci­de whe­ther they want to send the video of their exer­ci­s­es or just the mea­su­re­ment data to the therapists.

The need for tele­the­ra­py has increased par­ti­cu­lar­ly during the Coro­na pan­de­mic. At the same time, the accep­tance of digi­tal ser­vices has increased. Web­cams, digi­tal mee­tings or con­fe­ren­ces have beco­me an inte­gral part of our ever­y­day life. And the Fede­ral Government’s Digi­tal Health­ca­re Act (DVG) is also making it easier to bring digi­tal health appli­ca­ti­ons onto the mar­ket and con­nect with the reim­bur­se­ment models of the health insu­rance funds.

Apart from “eGeia acti­ve”, eGeia’s pro­duct ran­ge includes advice about the appr­oval of medi­cal devices and data pro­tec­tion. They sup­port cus­to­mers who want to opti­mi­se cer­tain are­as or digi­ti­se pro­ces­ses. This is becau­se the Ger­man health­ca­re mar­ket is strict­ly regu­la­ted and abounds with com­plex requi­re­ments. Tech­no­lo­gy and pro­ces­ses are clo­se­ly scru­ti­ni­sed. Its base in the Sci­ence Park at Pots­­dam-Golm means that the com­pa­ny is also able to bene­fit signi­fi­cant­ly from the exch­an­ge and coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween sci­ence and busi­ness. The health tech sce­ne the­re is dri­ving the digi­ti­sa­ti­on of the health sys­tem, not least in order to redu­ce sup­p­ly bot­t­len­ecks in the future and impro­ve gene­ral medi­cal care.

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