
When Rolf Zuc­kow­ski waves from the book’s cover in the form of a hologram

An inter­ac­ti­ve children’s book not only brings the musician’s songs to life

If the audi­ence can’t come to the musi­ci­an, then the musi­ci­an just has to come to them: this is exact­ly what the recent­ly published pic­tu­re book “Rolfs Lie­der­ge­heim­nis­se” is now making a rea­li­ty. The colourful design is inspi­red by the songs of Rolf Zuc­kow­ski, the well-known aut­hor of children’s songs - but that’s not all: a free Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty (AR) app brings the musi­ci­an straight into the living room in the form of a holo­gram. And the publisher, pro­ject initia­tor and illus­tra­tor Sarah Sett­gast is also the­re next to him waving from the book’s cover as a minia­tu­re 3D figure.

The children’s book with the digi­tal exten­si­on was published by Pots­­dam-based Deut­sche Papp­ebuch Gesell­schaft (DPG) which Sett­gast foun­ded tog­e­ther with her busi­ness part­ner Sven Sla­zen­ger. The publi­shing house stands for hap­ti­cal­ly high-qua­­li­­ty card­board books made of bite and sali­­va-resistant mate­ri­als, eco­lo­gi­cal­ly cer­ti­fied and pro­du­ced in Ger­ma­ny. The team achie­ves this stan­dard by working with Sach­sen­Druck in Plau­en, one of the oldest prin­ting plants in Ger­ma­ny. DPG’s acti­vi­ties ran­ge from this col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the long-estab­­lished com­pa­ny through to the digi­tal future: Volu­cap in Pots­­dam-Babels­­berg was invol­ved in the pro­duc­tion of the app and the deve­lo­p­ment of the holo­grams. The volu­metric studio’s ela­bo­ra­te tech­no­lo­gy help crea­te life­li­ke 3D scans which are inte­gra­ted in Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty appli­ca­ti­ons and make films into “walk-in” experiences.

Howe­ver, the pro­ject only came about becau­se of Settgast’s enthu­si­asm for Zuckowski’s songs which gene­ra­ti­ons of child­ren have now come to know for many deca­des. During the first lock­down last spring, she had regu­lar­ly fol­lo­wed his “Lie­der­ge­schich­ten aus dem Dach­stüb­chen” on Face­book whe­re the musi­ci­an sang some songs for enter­tain­ment and dis­trac­tion and then told some litt­le sto­ries around them. A let­ter fol­lo­wed sug­gest­ing a joint col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and then a mee­ting in Ham­burg during the sum­mer. Zuc­kow­ski was imme­dia­te­ly taken by the idea of crea­ting an inter­ac­ti­ve children’s book based on his lyrics.

A long pro­duc­tion peri­od ensued bet­ween the ori­gi­nal idea and its imple­men­ta­ti­on. While Sarah Sett­gast work­ed with water­co­lours on crea­ting colourful and at times mys­te­rious loo­king worlds for a total of 12 sel­ec­ted songs, Volu­cap was occu­p­ied in deve­lo­ping the AR app and test­ing it for various kinds of devices. Zuc­kow­ski and Sett­gast spent a who­le day in the Volu­cap stu­dio having them­sel­ves digi­tal­ly scan­ned by 32 came­ras from every ang­le for the spe­cial high­light of their per­so­nal holo­grams. View­ers can fol­low the spe­cial shoot in a You­tube video. Atten­ti­on has to be paid to every detail in the lar­ge, white Volu­cap stu­dio. White clo­thes make the peo­p­le keep dis­ap­pearing and even the musician’s gui­tar was mat­ted so that it did­n’t over­ly shi­ne later on in its digi­tal ver­si­on. If you now leaf through the finis­hed book, the app auto­ma­ti­cal­ly reco­g­ni­s­es the respec­ti­ve page via the pho­to func­tion and, thanks to a coope­ra­ti­on with Uni­ver­sal Music, plays the song and lyrics for you to sing along with. The pages func­tion like QR codes, so it does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther you are in the midd­le of the book or want to leaf from back to front. The inter­ac­tion with the app is deli­bera­te­ly kept stream­li­ned - the com­bi­na­ti­on of hap­tics, see­ing and hea­ring mean that child­ren can calm­ly and easi­ly immer­se them­sel­ves in the world of images. “Some­ti­mes, it does­n’t take much to make a strong impres­si­on or con­vey joy,” Sarah Sett­gast says. “Here it’s sim­ply about good sound and nice images.” Good sound - that was also important for Zuc­kow­ski. The fact that tablets and smart­phones can now play his songs in high qua­li­ty was also one of the decisi­ve fac­tors for the suc­cessful coope­ra­ti­on. “Espe­ci­al­ly given the cur­rent situa­ti­on whe­re peo­p­le can’t go to con­certs and see artists per­form­inh live, this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a litt­le bit of enter­tain­ment at home. Rolf Zuckowski’s songs unite gene­ra­ti­ons,” Sett­gast says.

“Rolfs Lie­der­ge­heim­nis­se” func­tions as a pic­tu­re book with or wit­hout the inter­ac­ti­ve ele­ments. Whe­ther it’s with their par­ents or older siblings, with or wit­hout the accom­pany­ing app: many a clas­sic song is wai­ting to be redis­co­ver­ed by the rea­ders. The song “Good Mor­ning, Sal­ly!”, which is about a girl in a wheel­chair and could now actual­ly be regard­ed as a song about inclu­si­on, was writ­ten about 30 years ago.

The Deut­sche Papp­ebuch Gesell­schaft is not only working in the children’s book sec­tor, but also pro­du­ces the high-qua­­li­­ty card­board books for cor­po­ra­te cli­ents. The cor­po­ra­te publi­shing pro­ducts can be used to pre­sent the com­pa­ny phi­lo­so­phy or a pro­duct cata­lo­gue with a spe­cial feel. The cli­ents can be addres­sed in par­ti­cu­lar via an addi­tio­nal Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty appli­ca­ti­on. The Deut­sche Papp­ebuch Gesell­schaft is curr­ent­ly in talks with the next pro­mi­nent part­ners and com­pa­nies. So watch this space.

By Chris­ti­ne Lentz

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