
RAT.HUB | Start­up Pod­cast: Lin­da Rath in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Mer­cy Abang

Lin­da about Mer­cy Abang:

It took me many moons to publish this epi­so­de (Mer­cy and I actual­ly tal­ked back in Sep­tem­ber 2021). Final­ly, I can share this inter­view with Mer­cy Abang! She is a Nige­ri­an jour­na­list living in Ber­lin. About 5 years ago, I met her in Bonn at a work­shop at Deut­sche Wel­le. She has free­lan­ced for the Asso­cia­ted Press, Al Jaze­era, BBC and the Colum­bia Jour­na­lism School, among others. She just star­ted working at Host­wri­ter as one of two mana­ging direc­tors. Congratulations!

In this epi­so­de, we talk about the Twit­ter ban in Nige­ria and what this means for the civic online space and jour­na­lism, we cover the chal­lenges of being an entre­pre­neur and we dis­cuss in how far jour­na­lists should embrace tech­no­lo­gy. She gives us a glim­pse of what’s important to her and how she prio­ri­ti­zes her work and her life.

About RAT.HUB | Start­up Podcast

Wel­co­me to RAT.HUB, I’m Lin­da Rath and I inter­view start­up foun­ders to under­stand what makes them tick, what makes them tick and what we can learn from them. Foun­ding a com­pa­ny takes cou­ra­ge, dili­gence and luck … and what else you need, we’ll find out together.

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sug­ges­ti­ons, just drop me a line via Twit­ter. My hand­le is @Lynda420.

The pod­cast is sup­port­ed by Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam. The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam bund­les the local exper­ti­se of spe­cia­lists and visio­na­ries an acce­le­ra­tor and an annu­al Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence. We were with our start­up Vrag­ments from 2018 to 2020 in the office space in the for­mer Media­Tech Hub Lab in the media city Babels­berg and I can also recom­mend their offe­rings here. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www​.mth​-pots​dam​.de.