
7 Tips for a pro­duc­ti­ve Home-Office

Alre­a­dy relo­ca­ted the work­place? The rapid spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus also pres­ents the employee with gre­at chal­lenges. Many employees have alre­a­dy moved their work­place home - inclu­ding us at the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam.

Stay­ing pro­duc­ti­ve and buil­ding new struc­tures is not easy for ever­yo­ne. To make the pro­cess a litt­le easier, we have sum­ma­ri­zed 7 tips here:

  1. Set up your work­place: Whe­re in the apart­ment is the best place to work? The best place to work is in a place that is as simi­lar as pos­si­ble to the actu­al work­place. For excep­tio­nal home-office days, the kit­chen table is usual­ly suf­fi­ci­ent. Even bet­ter, espe­ci­al­ly due to the fact that home office will now tem­po­r­a­ri­ly replace our work­place, are desk and office chair.
  2. Set­ting up a sche­du­le, team­work & vir­tu­al mee­tings: In order to avo­id working bey­ond your actu­al working hours or taking your lap­top to bed with you, it makes sen­se to set fixed times and thus com­mu­ni­ca­te pre­sence and absence to your col­le­agues. In the team of the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam we use Slack as a team tool. It is easy to deter­mi­ne when who is available and most important­ly, we stay in touch tog­e­ther. The mee­ting tools Micro­soft Teams (here is an offer for free use for the next 6 months) and Goog­le Han­gouts have alre­a­dy work­ed well for us.
  3. Regu­lar breaks: In the office, this often comes natu­ral­ly: for many peo­p­le, the lunch break is a set time to get tog­e­ther with col­le­agues and cook some­thing or go to the nea­rest can­teen. In the home office this is also a chall­enge for some peo­p­le. The­r­e­fo­re it is important to keep the­se times and to plan breaks. If you don’t want to eat alo­ne, you can arran­ge to have a Sky­pe lunch, for example.
  4. Fresh air: Oxy­gen is and remains important. What other­wi­se hap­pens quite casual­ly on the way to work at the latest must now be actively sought out. This means that regu­lar airing and, if neces­sa­ry, taking a walk around the block are espe­ci­al­ly important now.
  5. Clo­thes make the man: A clear advan­ta­ge of home office is cer­tain­ly the less strict adhe­rence to the usu­al dress code. Nevert­hel­ess it can’t hurt to get rid of your pyja­mas or bath­ro­be. It does­n’t have to be the iro­ned shirt, but an out­fit with which you can also pre­sent yours­elf well during video con­fe­ren­ces sim­ply makes you feel bet­ter. Becau­se when the form is right, the con­tent follows.
  6. Mini­mi­ze dis­trac­tions: Washing machi­ne here, dish­wa­sher the­re, and by the way, I’ve been wan­ting to sort out the dra­wer for a long time - moments that ever­yo­ne in the home office pro­ba­b­ly feels con­fron­ted with. Here, too, time manage­ment must be set up and, abo­ve all, adhe­red to. Self-con­trol plays a major role here, as the “social pres­su­re” at the usu­al work­place must now be pro­du­ced by yours­elf at home. Online tools such as Res­cue Time can help to pro­tect yours­elf from time-eaters. Agree­ments with your own fami­ly or room­ma­tes can also help to avo­id being con­stant­ly dis­trac­ted from your actu­al tasks. If ever­y­thing does­n’t help, it might be best to put the pho­ne in self qua­ran­ti­ne for a few hours.
  7. Stay cool #sta­ya­thome: Even though the cur­rent situa­ti­on is cos­ting us all a lot of strength and ner­ves, it is all the more important to stay calm. Now is also the chan­ce to try out new and own forms of coope­ra­ti­on, to orga­ni­ze yours­elf and to keep your own goals in mind. We at the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam use the time to deal with topics and stra­te­gies in grea­ter depth and see the hours gai­ned as an advantage.
    In short: Be your own CEHO (Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Home Officer).