Infor­ma­ti­on on sup­port for com­pa­nies and self-employ­ed per­sons in the wake of the Coro­na Pandemic

The rapid spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus pres­ents many employees with major chal­lenges. Espe­ci­al­ly small and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies and start-ups are depen­dent on support.

In the past few days, the­re have been seve­ral reports on this sub­ject from various media and minis­tries. Each fede­ral sta­te has put tog­e­ther aid packa­ges for this pur­po­se. We have sum­ma­ri­zed some information.


The Fede­ral Government
The Ger­man govern­ment has adopted exten­si­ve aid mea­su­res. The­se are curr­ent­ly divi­ded into five pillars:

  • Direct sub­si­dies for small busi­nesses and the self-employed
  • Short-time com­pen­sa­ti­on
  • Liqui­di­ty support
  • Tax defer­ral
  • Export of pro­tec­ti­ve equipment

More about the mea­su­res in detail can be found here.

The sta­te of Brandenburg
The sta­te of Bran­den­burg is set­ting up an emer­gen­cy aid pro­gram­me for small and medi­um-sized enter­pri­ses and free­lan­cers*. Appli­ca­ti­ons can be sub­mit­ted from 25 March 2020. The sup­port from the new emer­gen­cy aid pro­gram­me will be gra­dua­ted accor­ding to the num­ber of employ­ed per­sons and amounts to

  • up to 5 employees up to EUR 9,000
  • up to 15 per­sons in employ­ment up to EUR 15,000
  • up to 50 employees up to EUR 30,000,
  • up to 100 employees up to EUR 60,000

More about the mea­su­res in detail can be found here.

The sta­te capi­tal Potsdam
The web­site of the sta­te capi­tal Pots­dam shares dai­ly updates on the topic of coro­na and a hot­line for Potsdam’s eco­no­my has also been set up. This can be rea­ched at: tele­pho­ne: 0331-289-2888.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here.

The Bran­den­burg Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment Agency
The WFBB pro­vi­des advice to com­pa­nies that are in an acu­te finan­cial emer­gen­cy or other busi­ness dif­fi­cul­ties in con­nec­tion with the coro­na virus. Other busi­ness dif­fi­cul­ties may include acu­te staf­fing needs, inter­rupt­ed sup­p­ly chains or acu­te tech­no­lo­gi­cal requi­re­ments for pro­cess chan­ges. For this pur­po­se, the WFBB has a cen­tral­ly estab­lished tele­pho­ne cont­act point from Mon­day to Fri­day bet­ween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m: 0331-730 61-222.

Medi­en­board Berlin-Brandenburg
The spread of the coro­na pan­de­mic also has con­se­quen­ces for the film and crea­ti­ve indus­tries. The Medi­en­board Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg has published various news and emer­gen­cy aid pro­grams on its website.

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

The Fede­ral Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Start-ups
The Ger­man Start-up Asso­cia­ti­on has set up the “Start-up Coro­na Hand­book” web­site. Here entre­pre­neurs can find links to events as well as to cur­rent sup­port pos­si­bi­li­ties collected.

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.


Per­so­nal­ly, we from the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam team hope that all of you will sur­vi­ve this unu­su­al cri­sis and that the social break will give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a deep breath. Plea­se feel free to stay in cont­act with us via our Slack Chan­nel. Here you will find a group for all ques­ti­ons and sup­port pos­si­bi­li­ties regar­ding Coro­na! Stay healthy!

Not yet in Slack? Then plea­se send a mes­sa­ge to contact@​mth-​potsdam.​de!

More news can be found here.