MTH Potsdam bei MCB19


For tho­se who missed it, our slot at this year’s MEDIA CON­VEN­TI­ON Ber­lin “Media­Tech Insights: whe­ther e-lear­ning, mixed rea­li­ty or AI” is now online (only in German).

From 6-8 May 2019 25,000 visi­tors atten­ded MEDIA CON­VEN­TI­ON Ber­lin (MCB) and re:publica. The sixth MCB edi­ti­on the­med “Play­ing for Keeps” with its 2016 spea­k­ers in 63 ses­si­ons was dedi­ca­ted to the enorm­ous eco­no­mic and socie­tal chan­ges brought about by digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on. MEDIA CON­VEN­TI­ON Ber­lin (MCB) is orga­nis­ed by Medi­en­board Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg (MBB) and Medi­en­an­stalt Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg (mabb) and was yet again held at STA­TI­ON Ber­lin in coope­ra­ti­on with re:publica this year. 

Under the title “Media­Tech Insights: whe­ther e-lear­ning, mixed rea­li­ty or AI” the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam pre­sen­ted its­elf in one ses­si­on. Hos­ted by Andrea Wick­le­der, four com­pa­nies and pro­jects pro­vi­ded insights into the enti­re ran­ge and wil­ling­ness to coope­ra­te of the MTH Pots­dam, inclu­ding Peter Effen­berg on the recent­ly laun­ched rese­arch pro­ject dwerft and Made­lei­ne Wolf, who wants to acce­le­ra­te digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on with the start-up visionY­OU. Sven Sla­zen­ger from Inter­la­ke helps cli­ents to deal with the digi­tal chan­ge e.g. with mixed rea­li­ty solu­ti­ons. And Robert Förs­ter gave insights into the award-win­ning AI-Media start-up Mul­ti­cast Media.

Ses­si­on online