
Media­Tech Solu­ti­ons & Corona

It is now about five months sin­ce the out­break of the Coro­na Pan­de­mic in Ger­ma­ny and the sub­se­quent lock­down. Count­less events world­wi­de have been can­cel­led and com­pa­nies and enti­re busi­ness units have had to re-sort and reo­ri­ent them­sel­ves.
But not all indus­tries have suf­fe­r­ed from the chan­ges. Many digi­tal com­pa­nies have even bene­fi­ted from it - inclu­ding food deli­very, online shops and video on demand strea­ming ser­vices. Online events and online mee­ting plat­forms are also expe­ri­en­cing a boom. Media tech­no­lo­gies are the dri­ving force here and can con­tri­bu­te to this suc­cess and new opportunities.

Under the mot­to Start­ups: Tog­e­ther for Inno­va­ti­on, Ger­man Trade & Invest (GTAI) has now published a page on which start­ups from dif­fe­rent hubs from the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve are lis­ted, which offer inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons in times of Coro­na. From the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam the­se are among others CI Hub, Feel­belt, visionY­OU, Yoo­na Tech­no­lo­gy Solu­ti­on and XR Bootcamp:

CI Hub
CI HUB is a plat­form for con­tent inte­gra­ti­on and effi­ci­ent mar­ke­ting pro­duc­tion. It crea­tes open, seam­less bran­ding pro­ces­ses within tools like Ado­be CC or Micro­soft Office.

Feel­belt is THE gad­get to bring your favou­ri­te live events back to life. Just plug it into your smart­phone, home cine­ma or game con­so­le and feel your favou­ri­te songs, movies and games.

visionY­OU sup­ports schools in digi­ti­sing their tea­ching and pro­vi­ding the neces­sa­ry infra­struc­tu­re. The com­pa­ny also deve­lo­ps its own apps, edu­ca­tio­nal films and inter­ac­ti­ve lear­ning units.

Yoo­na Tech­no­lo­gy Solution
YOO­NA Tech is a sca­lable B2B soft­ware solu­ti­on based on arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence that shor­tens the fashion design pro­cess to a few simp­le clicks. Using design, sales and trend data, YOO­NA pro­po­ses new pro­mi­sing design data.

XR Boot­camp
The XR Boot­camp pre­pa­res com­pa­nies for their next XR pro­ject by giving employees the skills they need to deve­lop VR/AR pro­jects intern­al­ly. In an eco­no­my that today more than ever reli­es on remo­te working tools, the demand for VR/AR skills and tools is gro­wing rapidly. With us, com­pa­nies do not have to out­sour­ce to expen­si­ve agen­ci­es, but can save time and money by fur­ther qua­li­fy­ing their deve­lo­p­ment teams and deve­lo­ping VR/AR solu­ti­ons internally.

Read more about GTAI and other solu­ti­ons from other Digi­tal Hubs here.

More news about the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam can be found here.