
MTH Unboxing: CI HUB

CI HUB was one of the first start-ups to beco­me part of the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor pro­gram­me at the begin­ning of 2019, and thus part of our port­fo­lio. Sin­ce then, they have clo­sed a seven-figu­re finan­cing round, built up a team in Pots­dam and are an inte­gral part of the Media­Tech Hub. Foun­ders Jörg Seid­ler and Andre­as Mich­al­ski (plus Jas­per Ull­rich) tell us more about their sto­ry and what they’­re up to in the June issue of MTH Unboxing.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What did you do befo­re CI HUB?

Andre­as: Befo­re CI HUB, I work­ed in mar­ke­ting auto­ma­ti­on for 15 years. I owned a com­pa­ny, which I then sold to a French group. Our pro­duct iBrams (Inte­gra­ted Brand Manage­ment Solu­ti­on) allo­wed pri­ma­ri­ly inter­na­tio­nal or decen­tra­li­zed com­pa­nies to crea­te mar­ke­ting mate­ri­als wit­hout the help of adver­ti­sing agen­ci­es. Mar­ke­ting mate­ri­als cus­to­miza­ti­on is a mul­ti-bil­li­on dol­lar mar­ket. So we were alre­a­dy working on the pre­de­ces­sor of CI HUB.

Jörg: I gra­dua­ted with a degree in auto­ma­ti­on and data pro­ces­sing (which feels like it hap­pen­ed 100 years ago!), and sin­ce then I have gai­ned more than 25 years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence in the fields of mar­ke­ting, inter­net, and soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment. I met my co-foun­ders at iBrams, whe­re I work­ed with Andre­as and Jas­per for many years as Key Account Director.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What are you doing now, when you are not working at CI HUB?

Andre­as: Well, every foun­der knows the situa­ti­on: when you build an idea from almost zero, the­re is not much time left for any­thing else. CI HUB sim­ply needs a lot of atten­ti­on. We have very ambi­tious goals and a glo­bal mar­ket to reach. That takes up a lot of my time. But for balance—which you need of course—my son and our dog keep me busy. And I coll­ect old sports cars. That’s a hob­by that can be pur­sued even in COVID times.

Jörg: I agree with Andre­as. At the moment, there’s not much out­side dis­trac­tion for me neither, main­ly becau­se we‘re not allo­wed to do any­thing in the­se COVID times. But in nor­mal times, I like to some­ti­mes play bas­ket­ball with my crew or go moun­tain biking in the forest.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is CI HUB?

CI HUB: CI HUB is a plat­form that mas­si­ve­ly sim­pli­fies the work of any per­son who crea­tes designs or art­work using Ado­be or Micro­soft pro­grams. CI HUB does this by pro­vi­ding the images and gra­phics that are curr­ent­ly stored in dif­fe­rent sys­tems such as DAM (Digi­tal Asset Manage­ment), MAM (Media Asset Manage­ment) or PIM (Pro­duct Infor­ma­ti­on Manage­ment). This means users no lon­ger have to search for images. Addi­tio­nal­ly, CI HUB can auto­ma­ti­cal­ly adapt the­se images and gra­phics with the help of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, and this saves users a lot of work.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: Why did you app­ly to the MTH Accelerator?

CI HUB: It was gre­at that we could beco­me part of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor net­work when we star­ted CI HUB. The team sup­port­ed us in many ways, sha­ring their cont­acts and expe­ri­ence to steer us on the right course.

It was so hel­pful for us to have access to their coa­ching to prepa­re our pit­ches. Wit­hout it, we would not have been able to find real­ly gre­at inves­tors so easi­ly. That was much easier with the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor team.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: Why CI HUB?

CI HUB: We have 15 years of expe­ri­ence in mar­ke­ting auto­ma­ti­on and brand manage­ment. We have lear­ned first hand what users are miss­ing to work easier and fas­ter. We used this expe­ri­ence to build CI HUB. As a start-up foun­der, it’s gre­at fee­ling to build on so much expe­ri­ence and mar­ket access. It’s incre­di­bly fun!

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is your mission?

CI HUB: We want to chan­ge the many manu­al pro­ces­ses within mar­ke­ting. Only by redu­cing or even eli­mi­na­ting manu­al pro­ces­ses is it pos­si­ble to ser­ve the ever incre­asing num­ber of chan­nels with incre­asing­ly per­so­na­li­zed content.

About MTH Unboxing 

The MTH Acce­le­ra­tor port­fo­lio is gro­wing and gro­wing. But what exact­ly do the teams do and, abo­ve all, what did they do befo­re they beca­me entre­pre­neurs? In MTH Unboxing, our new inter­view series, we shed some light on the sub­ject and intro­du­ce the teams in more detail. MTH Acce­le­ra­tor Babels­berg is the pro­gram for start­ups and foun­ding teams from the metro­po­li­tan regi­on who are loo­king to explo­re tech­no­lo­gies and digi­tal busi­ness models and take their com­pa­nies to the next level.

Learn more about the pro­gram, our latest port­fo­lio start­ups and events in our newsletter.