
#mth­pots­dam X Clubhouse

Sin­ce we at Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam deal with the latest media tech­no­lo­gies and deve­lo­p­ments on a dai­ly basis, we spon­ta­neous­ly orga­ni­zed a round­ta­ble dis­cus­sion last week and asked the ques­ti­on “Media­Tech, what is it actual­ly?” in a room of the trend plat­form Clubhouse.

Hub­ma­na­ger, Andrea Wick­le­der, tal­ked with Kath­le­en Schroe­ter (Jour­ney 2 Crea­ti­on), Ben­ja­min Heese (Feel­belt) and Dr. Aljoscha Bur­ch­hardt (DFKI) about whe­re media tech­no­lo­gies are alre­a­dy ubi­qui­tous in our ever­y­day lives, whe­re they are alre­a­dy being used and whe­re they see the future - an inte­res­t­ing hour that once again touch­ed on the breadth and com­ple­xi­ty of Media­Tech. In the end, the­re is (still) no one and all encom­pas­sing defi­ni­ti­on in one sen­tence, but rather the term includes the diver­se com­bi­na­ti­on of media and tech­no­lo­gy, any form of audio and/​or visu­al con­tent, tech­no­lo­gies and busi­ness models. Howe­ver, the con­sen­sus of the round was, whe­ther in the pre­sent or in the future: wit­hout Media­Tech it does­n’t work.

From the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam Cos­mos, seve­ral port­fo­lio start­ups from the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor are also very acti­ve on the Club­house plat­form. The team around Ben­ja­min Heese (CEO of Feel­belt), for exam­p­le, has intro­du­ced the dis­cus­sion round “NEXT Talk”. The first two ses­si­ons were about the “Future of Con­tent” and “Foun­der Insights | Ber­lin over Potsdam”. 

Feed­back on Clubhouse
We are awa­re that the­re are many cri­ti­cisms of the Club­house app, e.g. regar­ding data pri­va­cy and the exclu­si­ve access for iOS users only. The­se are exact­ly the points we dis­cuss within the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam team as well as extern­al­ly in talks with part­ners of the Hub, and we also ask our­sel­ves whe­ther we will remain acti­ve on Club­house. We always see new tech trends as an oppor­tu­ni­ty and think it’s good to try things out. The fact is, howe­ver, that we don’t want to exclude anyo­ne from our own com­mu­ni­ty, but we are always open to new ideas.

Do you have an opi­ni­on about Club­house? Then send it to us in an email to contact@​mth-​potsdam.​de.