
Volu­cap on 94th OSCARS short­list with Matrix Resurrections

Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam start­up Volu­cap has made it onto the 94th OSCARS short­list with its deve­lo­p­ment of the spe­cial effects for the film “The Matrix Resur­rec­tions”. More news can be read here.

MTH Unboxing: freque

We are start­ing the new year 2022 with our port­fo­lio team fre­que. freque’s foun­ders - Jus­tin La Val­lee and Tobi­as Wag­ner - belong in Babels­berg, the media city, if only becau­se they are film com­po­sers and sound desi­gners. With fre­que, they have laun­ched a plat­form that will make things easier for film and TV pro­duc­tions in […]


2021 - What a Year!

And again, an eventful year is dra­wing to a clo­se. Sin­ce the estab­lish­ment of the hub manage­ment in the sum­mer of 2018, we are very proud of what we have alre­a­dy achie­ved with you and how much we have grown sin­ce then. With a small team within a lar­ge net­work and gre­at part­ners, we have estab­lished an Accelerator, […]


MTH Design Thin­king Chall­enge Batch No. 3

In 2021, the MTH Design Thin­king Chal­lenges have been held twice - the first time com­ple­te­ly digi­tal­ly via Zoom and miro-Board, but the second time in per­son. The teams who have par­ti­ci­pa­ted at the MTH Design Thin­king Chall­enge have lear­ned how to use the Design Thin­king method to address indi­vi­du­al chal­lenges and advan­ce their startups. […]


FroXx Indus­tries for shoo­ting at MTH Space

On Decem­ber 1, 2021, FroXx Indus­tries visi­ted the MTH Space at UFA GmbH for a shoot for the CNBC TV Series “Advance­ments” with Ted Danson.

MTH UNBOXING: nxt­Ba­se technologies

In the Decem­ber issue of MTH Unboxing, Jörg Jonas-Kops explains why he foun­ded nxt­Ba­se tech­no­lo­gies and what his mis­si­on is with his company.


Review | The MTH Acce­le­ra­tor on the Part­ner Stage of the MTH Conference

The Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence 2021 is over. Our Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor hos­ted two panels on the part­ner stage. So it is time for a litt­le recap!


Review | MTH Pots­dam at the Web­Sum­mit 2021

More news can be found here.

MTH Unboxing: koppla

In the Octo­ber issue of MTH Unboxing the foun­ders of kopp­la told us, how they want to redu­ce cos­ts and time on con­s­truc­tion sites.


Review | The Next Web Ams­ter­dam 2021

On Sep­tem­ber 30 and Octo­ber 1, the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve was part of The Next Web Con­fe­rence 2021 in Ams­ter­dam with a booth. The Tech Fes­ti­val was a suc­cessful expe­ri­ence for the initia­ti­ve, as many new cont­acts were made and inte­res­t­ing con­ver­sa­ti­ons were held.