Digital Hub Initiative

Review Net­work Mee­ting XXL - 5 years Digi­tal Hub Initiative

The net­work mee­ting of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve on 1 Sep­tem­ber 2022 was a very spe­cial one this time. At the XXL net­wor­king mee­ting & match­ma­king event at Clär­chens Ball­haus in Ber­lin, the hubs, start-ups and part­ners came tog­e­ther to reflect on the last five years of the initia­ti­ve. A review of the last years was fol­lo­wed by a key­note speech by Frie­de­ri­ke Rie­mer from The Future Game, fol­lo­wed by a work­shop based on future per­so­nas: “What will the Hubs look like in 2050?” with a look into the future.

At the match­ma­king event after­wards, after a warm wel­co­me by Dr. Danie­la Bröns­trup on behalf of the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion, the­re was a panel on the topic: “Syn­er­gies, Eco­sys­tem, Co-Crea­ti­on: What does suc­cessful inno­va­ti­on need?” with Dr. Danie­la Bröns­trup (BMWK), Anna Bojic (Miss Money­pen­ny), Johan­nes Berg (Digi­tal Logi­stics Hub Ham­burg), Deepa Gau­tam-Nig­ge (SAP) and mode­ra­tor Lena Johan­na Schmitt. This was fol­lo­wed by a speed dating ses­si­on and a pitch & rever­se round with alter­na­ting pit­ches from start-ups and com­pa­nies. The day ended with net­wor­king over a BBQ.

More news here.