RAT.HUB | Your Start­up Pod­cast: Lin­da Rath in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Mar­kus Beckedahl

Lin­da on Mar­kus Becke­dahl: My guest today needs no intro­duc­tion and yet here are a few high­lights: I talk to the co-foun­der of the re:publica con­fe­rence and the foun­der of netz​po​li​tik​.org. He wro­te the book Die Digi­ta­le Gesell­schaft (The Digi­tal Socie­ty), is a mem­ber of the Media Coun­cil of the Sta­te Media Aut­ho­ri­ty Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg and was a mem­ber of the Enquete Com­mis­si­on “Inter­net and Digi­tal Socie­ty” in the Ger­man Bun­des­tag from 2010-2013. We are tal­king, of cour­se, about Mar­kus Beckedahl. 

I am very plea­sed that he has taken the time to talk to me about his sum­mer 2022 - about what it means to hand over respon­si­bi­li­ty and be open to new adventures.


Herz­lich will­kom­men bei RAT.HUB, ich bin Lin­da Rath und ich inter­viewe Startup-Gründer:innen um zu ver­ste­hen, wie sie ticken, was sie aus­macht und was wir von ihnen ler­nen kön­nen. Zum Grün­den braucht man Mut, Fleiß und Glück … und was man sonst noch braucht, das fin­den wir hier gemein­sam her­aus.

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sug­ges­ti­ons, just drop me a line via Twit­ter. My hand­le is @Lynda420.The pod­cast is sup­port­ed by Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam. The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam bund­les the local exper­ti­se of spe­cia­lists and visio­na­ries an acce­le­ra­tor and an annu­al Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence. We were with our start­up Vrag­ments from 2018 to 2020 in the office space in the for­mer Media­Tech Hub Lab in the media city Babels­berg and I can also recom­mend their offe­rings here. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www​.mth​-pots​dam​.de.