Visi­ting the ZFK in Babelsberg

Pro­duc­tion of acces­si­ble media ser­vices for the deaf and more visi­bi­li­ty to the work of deaf filmmakers

Media or digi­tal media can faci­li­ta­te inclu­si­on. They play a key role in peo­p­le being able to par­ti­ci­pa­te in socie­ty. So, what’s the situa­ti­on with ser­vices for the deaf or hard of hea­ring? Simp­le, you might think: after all, sub­tit­les are now available almost ever­y­whe­re on demand - 90 per cent of the con­tent in the public broad­cas­ters’ media­the­ques alo­ne is subtitled. 

But they are not a ful­ly-fled­ged sub­sti­tu­te. Child­ren who can’t yet read are com­ple­te­ly excluded. Moreo­ver, writ­ten lan­guage is more dif­fi­cult to grasp for deaf peo­p­le who­se first lan­guage is sign lan­guage. And hea­ring peo­p­le also know how chal­len­ging it can be to fol­low a film and read the sub­tit­les at the same time. What’s more, one does­n’t have the sound­track that would usual­ly be the­re to sup­port the action. 

Around 80,000 peo­p­le in Ger­ma­ny use sign lan­guage, most of whom are deaf or hard of hea­ring. They need cor­re­spon­ding pro­gram­me con­tent or apps tail­o­red to their needs. Sin­ce 2017, rbb has had sign lan­guage actors appearing in the bot­tom right hand cor­ner of the screen for the dai­ly broad­cast of its Sand­männ­chen pro­gram­me. And when sign lan­guage is used here or in an epi­so­de of the Tat­ort crime series, at a press con­fe­rence of the Ger­man govern­ment or for heu­te jour­nal, this ser­vice has often been coming from one of Germany’s lar­gest pro­vi­ders of simul­ta­neous inter­pre­ting for the deaf: the Zen­trum für Kul­tur und visu­el­le Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on der Gehör­lo­sen Berlin/​Brandenburg e.V., or ZFK e.V. for short.

Tat­ort and Sand­männ­chen in sign language

The ZFK e.V. has its stu­di­os loca­ted right on the media city cam­pus. Uwe Schön­feld, board mem­ber and a sign lan­guage inter­pre­ter hims­elf, takes us on a tour of the pre­mi­ses. The walls are ador­ned with old film por­traits and the­re is a wel­co­ming atmo­sphe­re. An epi­so­de of Tat­ort is curr­ent­ly being recor­ded in a stu­dio. The inter­pre­ter has dres­sed for the part and is stan­ding in front of a green screen. Her col­le­ague behind the came­ras is fol­lo­wing the sce­ne on seve­ral screens, with the dia­lo­gue list right in front of him. Ano­ther room is available for 3D recor­dings and one more is now whe­re AI is being deploy­ed to prepa­re the scripts and screen­plays, for exam­p­le, by trans­la­ting the dia­lo­gue for the inter­pre­ters into Ger­man Sign Lan­guage (DGS).

Tho­se who have grown up with DGS as their mother ton­gue are used to dif­fe­rent sen­tence and gram­ma­ti­cal struc­tures. Unli­ke writ­ten Ger­man, for exam­p­le, the lar­ger object always comes befo­re the smal­ler object: for exam­p­le, “eye in the hair” ins­tead of “hair in the eye”. Schön­feld recalls the high num­ber of clicks for Sand­männ­chen and the fan mail from a boy who was only 3 ½ years old. The ZFK has child­ren and young peo­p­le brought in spe­ci­al­ly to do the sign lan­guage inter­pre­ta­ti­on for the youn­ger ones in the audi­ence. A fairy tale, for exam­p­le, would see them some­ti­mes play­ing the king and the nar­ra­tor at the same time and wea­ring the respec­ti­ve cos­tu­mes to make it easier to under­stand the dia­lo­gue and distin­gu­ish bet­ween the dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters. Care is also taken in adap­ting the inter­pre­ters’ clot­hing to the respec­ti­ve role in films like the Tatorts. 

In-house media pro­duc­tion and apps

Schön­feld quo­tes the mot­to “Not­hing about us wit­hout us” from the UN Con­ven­ti­on on the Rights of Per­sons with Disa­bi­li­ties. “Deaf peo­p­le know the needs of deaf peo­p­le best of all and are the­r­e­fo­re best able to imple­ment them them­sel­ves in an area, for exam­p­le, like the film indus­try. The­re are few things that are so inter­con­nec­ted - cul­tu­re, lan­guage, image. We have deaf lec­tu­r­ers in our edu­ca­ti­on depart­ment who can also app­ly their exper­ti­se here. That is the basis of all our work to bring the dif­fe­rent are­as tog­e­ther. The media sec­tor is one we would par­ti­cu­lar­ly like to expand in this respect,” Schön­feld says. 

The majo­ri­ty of the 50-plus employees at the ZFK are non-hea­ring. The Cent­re also has its own media pro­duc­tion depart­ment along­side con­sul­ting ser­vices, inter­pre­ting ser­vice as well as sign lan­guage awa­re­ness cour­ses. Its team con­sists of pro­fes­sio­nal­ly trai­ned deaf and hea­ring cameramen/​women, edi­tors, actors, jour­na­lists and pro­ject mana­gers who can pro­vi­de ever­y­thing from a sin­gle source - from the over­all con­cept and tex­tu­al modi­fi­ca­ti­ons through to editing and came­ra­work. ZFK also pro­vi­des deaf super­vi­sors for the film indus­try to media­te bet­ween all of the depart­ments during a shoot and give advice to the directors. 

It makes a vast dif­fe­rence whe­ther someone is play­ing a deaf per­son or is actual­ly deaf and can com­mu­ni­ca­te in sign lan­guage. The­re are other are­as whe­re the media or digi­tal media are also more inte­gra­ted into the world of deaf peo­p­le. Video tele­pho­ny has great­ly sim­pli­fied com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and makes apps acces­si­ble. The ZFK has deve­lo­ped two of them its­elf. The WIS app offers a video inter­pre­ting ser­vice at the touch of a but­ton and the emer­gen­cy call app WIS-Emer­gen­cy helps to send important infor­ma­ti­on to res­cue ser­vices by using an emer­gen­cy call but­ton. The ser­vice, which can be used to con­nect with sign lan­guage inter­pre­ters in a live link-up, is curr­ent­ly in the test phase.

Uwe Schön­feld takes a dim view at the moment of ava­tars as digi­tal­ly ani­ma­ted figu­res. “It may work for them to pro­vi­de stan­dard infor­ma­ti­on, say, at air­ports. Howe­ver, they lack what makes human inter­pre­ters spe­cial when you start tal­king about events or even the trans­la­ti­on of a web­site: it’s not just about the hand ges­tu­res, you also need the face to show emo­ti­ons, facial expres­si­ons and pos­tu­re. It’s a com­plex inter­play which is some­thing ava­tars can’t deli­ver,” Schön­feld explains. The cos­ts for inter­pre­ters are gene­ral­ly high. Not every sign lan­guage inter­pre­ter has a high level of com­pe­tence in Ger­man writ­ten lan­guage, some only trans­la­te lite­ral­ly. Addi­tio­nal sup­port is then nee­ded to obtain good dia­lo­gue lists based on the screen­play. And many things that might be fea­si­ble thanks to the tech­ni­cal resour­ces at the TV sta­ti­ons foun­der due to the asso­cia­ted high costs. 

The Del­la Awards and the 1st Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val for Deaf Filmmakers

The ZFK laun­ched the 1st Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val for Deaf Film­ma­kers and the Del­la Awards to give more visi­bi­li­ty to the work of deaf film­ma­kers. They took place in autumn 2023 at Stu­dio Babels­berg tog­e­ther with an award cerem­o­ny. The Fili­pi­no pro­duc­tion “Tell Her Flag” was named Best Fea­ture Film out of over 2,500 sub­mis­si­ons which had included com­mer­cial films, indie pro­duc­tions and docu­men­ta­ries. Actress Anne Zan­der (who hers­elf works at ZFK) was reco­g­nis­ed for her role in the ZDF dra­ma “You Shall Hear”. Actors Troy Kot­s­ur (Oscar win­ner for Coda) and John Mar­ceau were among the guests coming from Hol­ly­wood, and actress Emma­nu­el­le Labo­rit made the trip to Babels­berg from France. “They are all well-known per­so­na­li­ties, yet each in their own way is a lone wolf in their sec­tor,” Uwe Schön­feld says. The Del­la Awards not only play an important role in pro­mo­ting the visi­bi­li­ty and reco­gni­ti­on of deaf peo­p­le in the film busi­ness, but also con­tri­bu­te to grea­ter net­wor­king within the industry. 

The ZFK its­elf also pro­vi­des fun­ding to sup­port deaf film-makers. Uwe Schön­feld men­ti­ons the plan to offer more in the digi­tal realm - away from ana­lo­gue tele­vi­si­on - and to launch a dedi­ca­ted chan­nel or strea­ming plat­form for the deaf. This would gather film mate­ri­al from all over the world that is not only inten­ded for the nar­row tar­get group of deaf peo­p­le, but also for their mul­ti­pli­ers, par­ents, grand­par­ents, fri­ends or stu­dents of sign lan­guage. The awards are to be held at the stu­di­os every two years, with the next Del­la Awards being pre­sen­ted in autumn 2025. 

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