
VR at Rolls Roy­ce: how to test engi­nes that don’t yet exist as hardware

Whoe­ver gets out at the last stop of the S2 in Blan­ken­fel­de on the way from Ber­lin to Rolls Roy­ce in Dah­le­witz has left the big city far behind them. Only the pla­nes in the sky taking off and landing at near­by Schoe­ne­feld give a hint of the pro­xi­mi­ty to Ber­lin. The mul­ti­cul­tu­ral com­po­si­ti­on of the peo­p­le arri­ving in Dah­le­witz is striking. They all have a com­mon goal: the Rolls Roy­ce fac­to­ry in Dah­le­witz, just a 15-minu­te bus jour­ney away, is loca­ted on a huge site with seve­ral lar­ge halls. 2,800 peo­p­le from 50 nati­ons are working the­re. The plant for the con­s­truc­tion of air­craft engi­nes was foun­ded in 1990, imme­dia­te­ly after the fall of the Ber­lin Wall, as a joint ven­ture with BMW. Ten years later, BMW then made an exit from the ven­ture. Sin­ce then, the plant in Dah­le­witz has been a whol­ly-owned sub­si­dia­ry of Rolls Roy­ce in Eng­land. Some of the engi­nes built in Dah­le­witz are instal­led in the air­craft that now fly over Dahlewitz.

A big draw for visi­tors at Rolls Roy­ce is the Cave Auto­ma­tic Vir­tu­al Envi­ron­ment (CAVE), a space into which a three-dimen­sio­nal vir­tu­al rea­li­ty world is pro­jec­ted. It was deve­lo­ped in this par­ti­cu­lar form for Dah­le­witz. Ever­y­bo­dy can immer­se them­sel­ves the­re in vir­tu­al worlds wit­hout the need for the head-moun­ted dis­plays (HMD) that are nor­mal­ly requi­red for vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. Three walls and the flo­or are used as screens. A mas­ter puts on mas­ter glas­ses and holds a fly­stick in their hand. Both devices are equip­ped with moti­on cap­tu­re, i.e. a track­ing sys­tem that detects move­ment in order to adjust the images one is see­ing. Other par­ti­ci­pan­ts just need 3D glas­ses. The clo­ser they fol­low the mas­ter, the nea­rer their per­cep­ti­on will be to that of the mas­ter. Rolls Roy­ce had been deve­lo­ping this CAVE sys­tem with an open design tog­e­ther with the BTU Cott­bus bet­ween 2010 and 2014. The space was rea­dy for use two years later, in 2016. Engi­neers can pre­sent cur­rent pro­ject sta­tu­s­es the­re as well as con­ve­ne kick-off mee­tings for new pro­jects. The aim is to save money and time by using vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. A new model for a com­ple­te engi­ne from the engi­neers’ data­ba­se can be con­ver­ted into a vir­tu­al rea­li­ty model and pre­sen­ted in Dah­le­witz in five to six hours.

Deve­lo­p­ment engi­neer Ste­phan Rog­ge explains: “We sim­ply extra­ct the data for the engi­ne from our sys­tem. All com­pon­ents are defi­ned the­re”. Years befo­re the very first com­po­nent for an engi­ne has been pro­du­ced as hard­ware, the vir­tu­al rea­li­ty ver­si­on of an engi­ne can be exami­ned from all sides with all of its 27,000 parts, and defects can be iden­ti­fied at an ear­ly stage and in cost-effec­ti­ve way. Cer­tain tools had to be pro­du­ced for the new deve­lo­p­ment of a high-per­for­mance trans­mis­si­on. It was appa­rent during the visua­li­sa­ti­on in vir­tu­al rea­li­ty that the­re were pro­blems with one of the com­pon­ents. The sup­pli­er was then able to make adjustments.

Visi­tors curr­ent­ly get to see the Rolls Roy­ce BR 725 engi­ne as a vir­tu­al rea­li­ty model in can­dy colours that is alre­a­dy in use. Every screw, every washer is pre­sent. With the fly­stick, every one of the 27,000 com­pon­ents can be touch­ed and moved. The model can be view­ed from all sides. Whoe­ver wants to can stick their head through the ope­nings into the inte­ri­or. Howe­ver, the indi­vi­du­al parts sim­ply pene­tra­te the other mate­ri­al if they don’t fit through ope­nings. Work is still under­way on a model that would block if some­thing does­n’t fit through the ope­nings. “For­t­u­na­te­ly, you can’t do much dama­ge vir­tual­ly,” Ste­phan Rog­ge laughs.

So far, it is not yet man­da­to­ry for engi­neers to use vir­tu­al rea­li­ty for their pro­jects. “Howe­ver, in the future, its deploy­ment is set to beco­me an inte­gral part of the pro­cess here,” says press spo­kesper­son Ste­fan Wrie­ge. “We want to use it to acce­le­ra­te work pro­ces­ses ever­y­whe­re”. Alt­hough he can’t say exact­ly how long this will take. He expects this to be in a few months’ time.

By Eva Werner

More sto­ries about media tech­no­lo­gies from Pots­dam on 178 pages in the UNFOLD maga­zi­ne (in German).

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