Roof­top Pitch Potsdam

The Roof­top Pitch Pots­dam orga­ni­zed by Pots­dam Sci­ence Park - Stand­ort­ma­nage­ment Golm GmbH will take place for the fifth time this sum­mer. On June 3, 2024, ear­ly-stage start­ups will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pitch their inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness ide­as to poten­ti­al inves­tors and con­nect with them after­wards - with a won­derful view abo­ve the roof­tops of Potsdam.

Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet VCs, expe­ri­en­ced busi­ness angels, fami­ly offices and other inves­tors and pre­sent your busi­ness idea. Aap­p­ly now for the Roof­top Pitch Pots­dam. Start­ups from uni­ver­si­ties, as well as inno­va­ti­ve foun­da­ti­ons, can app­ly. Con­cepts from the fields of life sci­ence or health are welcome. 

All teams invi­ted to the Roof­top Pitch Pots­dam will also be able to take part in pitch trai­ning (May 22, 2024) as well as a fund­rai­sing mas­ter­class (May 23-27, 2024). The fund­rai­sing mas­ter­class will be held in coope­ra­ti­on with the Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Bran­den­burg (WFBB). The spea­k­er at the Fund­rai­sing Mas­ter­class will be Erdinç Koç, Head of Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is free of charge.

Inte­res­ted foun­ders can now app­ly for the Roof­top Pitch Pots­dam here.
Appli­ca­ti­on dead­line is April 22, 2024!