Kick-off of the MTH Boot­camp - A look behind the scenes

On Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023, the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor has orga­ni­zed the first “MTH Boot­camp”. Seve­ral start­ups from the Acce­le­ra­tor pro­gram, both acti­ve and alum­ni teams, came tog­e­ther that after­noon to share chal­lenges, insights and expe­ri­en­ces, learn inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­ti­on about Babels­berg as a media loca­ti­on, and recei­ve hel­pful input. Among them were the foun­ders of the start-ups Cult­way, Deep Skin AI, freispace, RAVE​.SPACE, Trueff­les, VYVYT and valu­pa. Also pre­sent were Ali­sa Fluhrer (Inter­na­tio­nal Part­ner­ships Manage­ment) and Amy Schmie­de­s­kamp (Start­up Con­sul­ting) from the Start­up Ser­vice of Pots­dam Trans­fer at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam, as well as David Hahn (Head of Pro­gram) from the HPI School of Entre­pre­neur­ship.

The par­ti­ci­pan­ts met on the roof ter­race of the office from MTH Pots­dam and MTH Acce­le­ra­tor. From the­re, they star­ted a tour through the Media City, which was gui­ded exclu­si­ve­ly by Sebas­ti­an Stiel­ke, aut­hor of the book “100 Facts about Babels­berg: Crad­le of film and modern media city”. Among the places visi­ted were the Film­mu­se­um Pots­dam, Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF, Film­park Babels­berg, rbb, Has­so-Platt­ner-Insti­tut, UFA and Stu­dio Babels­berg. The tour ended at the Medi­en­in­no­va­ti­ons­zen­trum Babels­berg. Here, the teams had ano­ther oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk to each other over snacks and cool drinks. After­wards, they recei­ved input from Erdinç Koç, the Head of Acce­le­ra­tor, on the topic of “Ven­ture Capi­tal Fund­rai­sing” in an inter­ac­ti­ve work­shop. Final­ly, the­re were given updates from the Media­Tech Hub Potsdam. 

About MTH Bootcamp

The MTH Boot­camp is an event for­mat which exclu­si­ve­ly addres­ses start­ups from the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor pro­gram. The goal is to con­nect the start­ups even more clo­se­ly, to pro­vi­de the foun­ders and teams with useful input, and to inform them about latest news from the MTH Potsdam. 

Some impres­si­ons of the first MTH Boot­camp can be seen here: