MTH Unboxing: memodio

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the start­up memo­dio.

Many peo­p­le use digi­tal ser­vices to keep an eye on their health, or to have a posi­ti­ve influence on it in the long term, like fit­ness tra­ckers, apps or glu­co­se moni­tors. With the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of tech­no­lo­gies, the­re are also more and more inno­va­ti­ve ide­as and solu­ti­ons coming onto the mar­ket. One such inno­va­ti­ve idea is memo­dio. memo­dio is an app that aims to pre­vent and tre­at demen­tia in its ear­ly stages. 

The foun­ding team behind memo­dio con­sists of two doc­tors, Felix Bicu and Doron Stein, and soft­ware archi­tect Paul Zim­mer­mann. In this issue of MTH Unboxing, the team explai­ned to us what moti­va­ted them to deve­lop the memo­dio app. They also give a litt­le insight into how the start­up was crea­ted and tell us what big chall­enge they have alre­a­dy mastered. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: Who are you and what did you do befo­re memodio?

memo­dio: Our foun­ding team con­sists of three peo­p­le: we have two doc­tors - Felix and Doron - in the team, who quit their jobs in hos­pi­tals to found memo­dio. Both bring expe­ri­ence from prac­ti­cal medi­ci­ne and know­how about the health sys­tem and digi­tal appli­ca­ti­ons in the health­ca­re sec­tor. Paul is the per­fect com­ple­ment as a soft­ware archi­tect - he had alre­a­dy had more than seven years of coding expe­ri­ence in the web and mobi­le sec­tor at the time when the com­pa­ny was bring set up. Pro­gramming the app was thus an easy task for him and our deve­lo­p­ment team. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What made you deci­de to found memodio?

memo­dio: We are all per­so­nal­ly affec­ted by demen­tia in our cir­cle of rela­ti­ves and the­r­e­fo­re know what demen­tia real­ly means for tho­se affec­ted and their rela­ti­ves. Doron also wro­te a book about care for ear­ly Alzheimer’s dise­a­se. Both of us loo­ked at the time at what could be done about demen­tia and dis­co­ver­ed that a cer­tain form of the­ra­py has shown par­ti­cu­lar­ly good effects in sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies. Howe­ver, this the­ra­py hasn’t yet been trans­la­ted into a tan­gi­ble pro­duct. That’s some­thing we have now done with our app. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is memo­dio exactly?

memo­dio: memo­dio is an app for the pre­ven­ti­on and the­ra­py of demen­tia for peo­p­le in the ear­ly stages of the dise­a­se. It offers a digi­tal the­ra­py pro­gram­me that includes brain trai­ning, phy­si­cal acti­va­ti­on, die­ta­ry adjus­t­ment, opti­mi­sa­ti­on of risk fac­tors and many other the­ra­py ele­ments. The the­ra­py pro­gram­me is based on the latest sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings and was deve­lo­ped by doc­tors, psy­cho­lo­gists and neu­ro­sci­en­tists. The app is available for all smart­phones and tablets. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is your mission?

memo­dio: The­re isn’t curr­ent­ly any appro­ved the­ra­py for peo­p­le with inci­pi­ent cogni­ti­ve impairm­ents, so-cal­led mild cogni­ti­ve dis­or­ders. This is chan­ging with memo­dio. Our visi­on is to revo­lu­tio­ni­se the care of tho­se affec­ted in the long term. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What has been your big­gest chall­enge to date?

memo­dio: The big­gest chall­enge to date was get­ting the app appro­ved as a medi­cal device. Howe­ver, we have mana­ged to over­co­me this hurd­le in the mean­ti­me. The next chall­enge is being able to attract pay­ing users and health insu­rance funds to sub­scri­be to the app. We have alre­a­dy scored some suc­ces­ses here, the app is alre­a­dy being reim­bur­sed by AOK PLUS for exam­p­le, but the­re is still room for improvement. 

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: And last but not least: why did you deci­de to loca­te the com­pa­ny in Potsdam?

memo­dio: We are a spin-off of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam and feel a par­ti­cu­lar­ly clo­se con­nec­tion to the Has­so Platt­ner Insti­tu­te. The loca­ti­on here offers an excel­lent sup­port eco­sys­tem. We have never reg­ret­ted our decis­i­on to be based here.