Net­work Event of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve in Berlin

On Sep­tem­ber 30th the time had come again and the hub repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of all 12 Digi­tal Hubs met for the net­work mee­ting. This time on the topic of finan­cing and fun­ding in the new office of the Hub Agen­cy RCKT in Ber​lin​.Am 30. Sep­tem­ber war es wie­der so weit und die Hubvertreter*innen aller 12 Digi­tal Hubs haben sich zum Netz­werktref­fen getrof­fen. Die­ses mal zum The­ma Finan­zie­rung und För­de­rung im neu­en Office der Hub Agen­cy RCKT in Berlin. 

The day was fil­led with a com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­ject out­look of the upco­ming mea­su­res of RCKT & GTAI, as well as a World Café with finan­cial part­ners and experts. For exam­p­le, each hub will con­ti­nue to pro­vi­de regu­lar exch­an­ge and indi­vi­du­al advice. Cross-hub syn­er­gies are to be gene­ra­ted even more stron­gly in order to con­so­li­da­te cross-hub networking.

The third pitch night of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve will take place in Ham­burg on 15 Janu­ary 2020. Inte­res­ted start-ups loo­king for inves­tors are wel­co­me to cont­act us for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on (Ali­na Wil­helm, wilhelm@​mth-​potsdam.​de). In addi­ti­on, the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve will be pre­sent at natio­nal events such as the DLD, Han­no­ver Mes­se and NOAH Berlin.

More about the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve can be found here.