UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film Pots­dam - Ope­ning of the new exhibition

Sin­ce 2019, Pots­dam has been appoin­ted a “UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film” and is thus part of the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve Cities net­work. Now, under the ques­ti­on “What makes Pots­dam a film city?”, the­re is an exhi­bi­ti­on about Pots­dam as a film city. This exhi­bi­ti­on was initia­ted by the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film Pots­dam office and spon­so­red by the city of Pots­dam. At an offi­ci­al ope­ning on Wed­nes­day, August 9, 2023, the curtain was lifted. Ban­ners instal­led on the fence to the Film­park Babels­berg now pro­vi­de an over­view of the Media City Babels­berg and the com­pa­nies loca­ted here. 

The exhi­bi­ti­on was ope­ned by Dr. Sig­rid Som­mer, Head of Mar­ke­ting of the City of Pots­dam, Ste­fan Fre­richs, Head of Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment of the City of Pots­dam, Götz Frie­de­rich, Chair­man of the AG Innen­stadt, and Fried­helm Schatz, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Film­park Babels­berg GmbH, as well as Lisa Naw­ro­cki (Manage­ment) and Sebas­ti­an Stiel­ke (Head of Mar­ke­ting) from the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve City of Film office.

About the UNESCO Crea­ti­ve Cities Network

The UNESCO pro­gram “Crea­ti­ve Cities” was foun­ded in 2004. Mean­while, 295 cities from over 90 count­ries are part of the net­work. The­re are a total of seven crea­ti­ve are­as under which cities can be included in the net­work. The­se are­as are music, lite­ra­tu­re, media art, gas­tro­no­my, design, crafts, and film. In Octo­ber 2019, Pots­dam was appoin­ted by UNESCO as a “Crea­ti­ve City of Film.” In addi­ti­on to Pots­dam, Hei­del­berg, Mann­heim, Karls­ru­he, Ber­lin and Hano­ver are also part of the Crea­ti­ve Cities Net­work in Germany. 

Some impres­si­ons of the exhi­bi­ti­on ope­ning can be seen here: