
Visit from Sara­je­vo - City of Film

In addi­ti­on to Pots­dam, Mum­bai (India), Sara­je­vo (Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vina), Val­la­do­lid (Spain) and Wel­ling­ton (New Zea­land) have also been named UNESCO “City of Film”.

Film­ma­kers from Sara­je­vo also visi­ted the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam on Febru­ary 27 in the cour­se of the Ber­li­na­le 2020. After an exten­si­ve tour of the Film­mu­se­um in Pots­dam, Tho­mas Ebner, CTO of Volu­cap, awai­ted them with a short intro­duc­tion to the topics and poten­ti­al of volu­metric film.

The mem­ber cities of the Crea­ti­ve Cities Net­work come from all con­ti­nents and regi­ons with dif­fe­rent inco­me levels and popu­la­ti­on groups and now num­ber 246 cities. Tog­e­ther they work towards a com­mon mis­si­on: to place crea­ti­vi­ty and the crea­ti­ve indus­tries at the heart of their urban deve­lo­p­ment plans to make cities safe, resi­li­ent, inclu­si­ve and sus­tainable in accordance with the United Nati­ons’ Agen­da 2030 for Sus­tainable Development.

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