RAT.HUB | Lin­da Rath in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Fre­de­rik Fischer

RAT.HUB goes into the next round. In the RAT.HUB pod­cast series, Lin­da Rath talks to start­up foun­ders to find out how they think. This time she inter­view­ed Fre­de­rik Fischer. 

Lin­da about Fre­de­rik Fischer:

Today, I am joi­n­ed by Fre­de­rik Fischer. He is the foun­der and CEO of Neu­landia, a living and working model for the coun­try­si­de. 2014 he was one of the foun­ding edi­tors of Kraut­re­por­ter, he was chief edi­tor and pro­duct owner of the gre­at plat­form piqd, and he was lec­tu­rer at the Ham­burg Media School and at the Ber­lin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, whe­re he tea­ched clas­ses like digi­tal jour­na­lism, social jour­na­lism and audi­ence enga­ge­ment. Enjoy lis­tening.


Wel­co­me to RAT.HUB, I’m Lin­da Rath and I inter­view start­up foun­ders to under­stand what makes them tick, what makes them tick and what we can learn from them. Foun­ding a com­pa­ny takes cou­ra­ge, dili­gence and luck … and what else you need, we’ll find out together. 

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sug­ges­ti­ons, just drop me a line via X. My hand­le is @Lynda420.

The pod­cast is sup­port­ed by Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam. The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam bund­les the local exper­ti­se of spe­cia­lists and visio­na­ries, the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor and the annu­al Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence. With our start­up Vrag­ments, we had an office space in the for­mer Media­Tech Hub Lab from 2018 to 2020, right at the heart of the media city Babels­berg. I can also recom­mend their offe­rings here. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www​.mth​-pots​dam​.de.

Foto Fre­de­rik Fischer: With kind per­mis­si­on of Fre­de­rik (Cre­dit: Manue­la Clemens)