Team obob UG

The con­s­truc­tion site calls, Obob foun­ders off: 1:0 for the future of trades

They live what they build. They have known each other for seve­ral years from media:net’s Cata­pult start-up pro­gram­me. They are seri­al foun­ders Kili­an Eck­le, Moritz Schroe­der and Tim Loe­wel. The three came tog­e­ther over a piz­za and beer in the Media­TechLab Lounge at Stu­dio Five to recall how a mis­dia­led num­ber led to a busi­ness idea for the obob pho­to app.

The three obob foun­ders are…

Digi­te­ers: one for all, all for one. ⚔

Our busi­ness idea came about…

becau­se we kept get­ting calls from a con­s­truc­tion site over seve­ral months. At some point, the mis­dia­led num­ber beca­me a sym­pto­ma­tic dia­gno­sis and then a case for us digi­te­ers to act.

Obob is…

the smart pho­to app for trade and con­s­truc­tion. Data-enri­ched pho­tos, com­ple­ted in a flash, com­pre­hen­si­ble and suf­fi­ci­ent­ly legal­ly water­tight - not­hing gets lost.

We foun­ders got to know each other…

At Cata­pult in 2013/2014. From the very begin­ning of the pro­gram­me, it had always been “every third Tues­day of the month, 19:07, ever­y­thing said remains in the room, what are our leads and needs, what are the ques­ti­ons or sub­jects occu­py­ing us, whe­re can we help with experiences!“

For us, Pots­dam is…

A place of crea­ti­ve tran­quil­li­ty, the path its­elf can be the goal.

In 2021, obob will be…

the digi­tal foun­da­ti­on of buil­ding and trade for all visu­al media.

We are genui­ne Pots­da­mers or pas­sio­na­te new residents?

We are con­stant­ly drawn to Pots­dam. It’s pro­ba­b­ly the weather.

We see VR/AR/AI as having…

enorm­ous poten­ti­al for con­s­truc­tion and trade and the­r­e­fo­re also for obob.

Our favou­ri­te loca­ti­on for net­wor­king in Babels­berg is…

Media­Tech Lab Stu­dio Five 🙂

We recom­mend every start-up…

to attract pay­ing cus­to­mers or finan­cing indus­tri­al part­ners as ear­ly as pos­si­ble. Ear­ly-stage invest­ment is still far too frag­men­ted and costly.

This is still important for us…

Foun­ding keeps one fit. New things ani­ma­te. The­re is always some­thing to improve.

Con­s­truc­tion site pho­tos - make, share, find!
You want more free time or more tur­no­ver? You want to save time with infor­ma­ti­ve pho­tos? Install the obob App now and get star­ted straightaway!

About MTH Blog

The media technologies of the future are already being used today – not only in the entertainment sector, but also in a wide variety of industries. Christine Lentz meets up with tech enthusiasts, established companies and researchers for our monthly MediaTech Hub Potsdam blog to tell the stories behind the innovative business models.