Zeitzeugin im Volucap ©
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Foto: Jakob Grasböck

Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty for Histo­ry Education

The VR Pro­ject “For Real? – Vir­tu­al Encoun­ters with His­to­ri­cal Eyewitnesses”

When Holo­caust sur­vi­vors talk about their expe­ri­en­ces, they often do this at events, at the invi­ta­ti­on of schools or in front of TV came­ras. But now that more than 78 years have pas­sed sin­ce the end of the Nazi regime, the­re are fewer and fewer eye­wit­nesses who can tell us about the hor­rors first-hand. It’s not only his­to­ri­ans who are faced with the ques­ti­on of how can we com­mu­ni­ca­te to the youn­ger gene­ra­ti­ons what hap­pen­ed back then and must not be allo­wed to be repea­ted? Immersi­ve media such as Vir­tu­al or Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty appli­ca­ti­ons offer a chan­ce to approach the cul­tu­re of memo­ry in a new way. A spe­cial pro­ject that can be view­ed from the end of August at various loca­ti­ons throug­hout Bran­den­burg is “For Real? - Vir­tu­al Encoun­ters with His­to­ri­cal Eye­wit­nesses” which has been made pos­si­ble thanks to a coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the Bran­den­burg Socie­ty for Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry (BGK) and the Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF, with fun­ding from the Foun­da­ti­on Remem­brance, Respon­si­bi­li­ty and Future (EVZ).Volu­cap was tas­ked with over­see­ing the tech­ni­cal pro­ces­sing, ren­de­ring and data manage­ment. The volu­metric raw data of the inter­views had alre­a­dy been recor­ded during a pre­vious pro­ject.

„For Real…?“ is a nati­on­wi­de pilot pro­ject that will hop­eful­ly offer points of depar­tu­re on an inter­na­tio­nal level as well sin­ce the pro­blem of nas­cent anti-Semi­tism, racism and xeno­pho­bia is not one spe­ci­fic to Bran­den­burg (or Ger­ma­ny). The abili­ty to hear and see authen­tic his­to­ri­cal eye­wit­nesses recoun­ting their trau­ma­tic expe­ri­en­ces first-hand is a very important way of gai­ning a per­so­nal expe­ri­ence of his­to­ri­cal events. “Howe­ver, it will beco­me even more important for us to pre­ser­ve the “imme­dia­cy” of their sto­ries once the­se wit­nesses are no lon­ger with us,” Dr. Kata­lin Kraszn­ahor­kai, Lead Curator/​Artistic Direc­tor at the Bran­den­burg Socie­ty for Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry, explains.

Volu­metric eye­wit­ness interviews

Holo­caust sur­vi­vors such as Inge Auer­ba­cher, Leon Weint­raub, Ruth Win­kel­mann, Kurt Hill­mann and Char­lot­te Knob­loch, all in their 80s and 90s, tra­vel­led to Babels­berg in 2021 to be inter­view­ed. It was a com­ple­te­ly new expe­ri­ence for them as well: being put in Volucap’s volu­metric stu­dio of a white dome with num­e­rous came­ras. They were inter­view­ed by the docu­men­ta­ry film direc­tor Chris­ti­an Zip­fel who super­vi­sed the pro­ject in an artis­tic and con­cep­tu­al capa­ci­ty on behalf of the Film Uni­ver­si­ty. He had only a limi­t­ed recor­ding time of about one hour to pre­sent the key aspects of their life sto­ries. Unli­ke TV docu­men­ta­ries whe­re the inter­view­ees speak for seve­ral hours and an inter­view is edi­ted from the foo­ta­ge, the tes­ti­mo­nies here had to con­cen­tra­te on the essentials. 

This was due to the enorm­ous amount of data that the volu­metric recor­dings requi­re. In an inter­view, Sven Blie­dung von der Hei­de, CEO of Volu­cap, explains that “the reso­lu­ti­on of our stu­dio is a world lea­der, we can cap­tu­re with 3,000 mega­pi­xels. That’s an immense amount of data. Sto­ring and pro­ces­sing about five minu­tes of mate­ri­al is com­pa­ra­ble to the amount of data for all the books exis­ting in the world. This data does­n’t just want to be stored, it also wants to be pro­ces­sed.” This was also a chall­enge for the Volu­cap team who have used their volu­metric cap­tu­re equip­ment pre­do­mi­nant­ly to pro­vi­de sequen­ces las­ting a few minu­tes for films, video clips or games. 

New approach to cul­tures of memory

The aes­the­tic adopted for the nar­ra­ti­ve here is also a dif­fe­rent one. The white space of the stu­dio was retai­ned in the later VR appli­ca­ti­on. “It was important for us that the recor­ding situa­ti­on remains trans­pa­rent from a docu­men­ta­ry per­spec­ti­ve,” says Pro­fes­sor Björn Stock­le­ben who was the pro­ject mana­ger for “For Real?” on behalf of the Film Uni­ver­si­ty. “The pre­vious pro­ject had seen us working with ela­bo­ra­te digi­tal recon­s­truc­tions of loca­ti­ons in The­re­si­en­stadt to pro­vi­de a visu­al con­text for the tes­tim­o­ny from the con­tem­po­ra­ry wit­ness Mar­got Fried­län­der. We are focu­sing here on the imme­dia­te pre­sence of the per­son who is spea­king and thus only con­cen­t­ra­ting on the volu­metric captures.” 

The Film Uni­ver­si­ty team also deve­lo­ped the cor­re­spon­ding VR appli­ca­ti­on. In order to do jus­ti­ce to the con­tent of the inter­views and, at the same time, be able to make important excerp­ts available, they orga­nis­ed a work­shop whe­re 9th gra­de pupils from Potsdam’s Vol­taire­schu­le rated the inter­view tran­scripts and sel­ec­ted the sec­tions that they con­side­red to be the most emo­tio­nal, exci­ting and important. Young peo­p­le are one of the most important tar­get groups for the pro­ject. “It was fasci­na­ting to see how media sav­vy the pupils were and how they gave thought to ways of deal­ing with the tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties and the subject’s com­ple­xi­ty,” Dr Kata­lin Kraszn­ahor­kai notes. 

They are used to a dif­fe­rent kind of media con­sump­ti­on thanks to video games and the omni­pre­sence of smart­phones. “We know the wit­nesses from pre­vious appearan­ces on two-dimen­sio­nal tele­vi­si­on. A repre­sen­ta­ti­on that seems old-fashio­ned in this day and age. The­re is much more inter­ac­tion pos­si­ble with VR glas­ses. You then have the fee­ling that the per­son is stan­ding in front of you,” Blie­dung von der Hei­de from Volu­cap adds. Howe­ver, it was important for all invol­ved that the tech­no­lo­gy did not dis­tract from the Holo­caust sur­vi­vors’ tes­ti­mo­nies. “Com­mu­ni­ca­ting the sub­ject mat­ter is the most important thing - rather than wan­ting to have as immersi­ve a media expe­ri­ence as pos­si­ble,” direc­tor Chris­ti­an Zip­fel confirms. 

The exhi­bi­ti­on „For Real?“

The inter­views will be shown in the exhi­bi­ti­on “In Real?” from the end of August at various loca­ti­ons in Bran­den­burg - from Pots­dam through Wittstock/​Dosse, Kyritz, Pritz­walk, and Jüter­bog to Cott­bus and Fins­ter­wal­de. The Bran­den­burg Socie­ty for Cul­tu­re has work­ed tog­e­ther with an agen­cy to crea­te an accom­pany­ing exhi­bi­ti­on offe­ring a lot of addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on. It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for them to make this for­mat and vir­tu­al encoun­ters with his­to­ri­cal eye­wit­nesses of the Nazi ter­ror acces­si­ble for regio­nal and rural loca­ti­ons out­side of the big cities as this is urgen­tly nee­ded there. 

In the exhi­bi­ti­on, the visi­tors use VR glas­ses to enter the digi­tal space whe­re ten ques­ti­ons will be floa­ting in front of them. They can then fol­low topics in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order begin­ning with the Novem­ber pogroms and con­ti­nuing through to con­tem­po­ra­ry right-wing ten­den­ci­es, inclu­ding the AFD. Indi­vi­du­al ques­ti­ons can be sel­ec­ted by eye-track­ing con­trol. In a next step, the inter­face dis­ap­pears and one is con­fron­ted by a life­li­ke scan of one of the five Holo­caust wit­nesses who gives a pre-recor­ded sub­jec­ti­ve ans­wer. In the appli­ca­ti­on, the exhi­bi­ti­on visi­tor meets the wit­nesses on seve­ral occa­si­ons in respon­se to dif­fe­rent ques­ti­ons - this is also important as a way of estab­li­shing a cer­tain bond with the prot­ago­nists and thus not con­sum­ing an unma­na­geable num­ber of inter­view parts, accor­ding to direc­tor Zipfel. 

An exten­si­ve archi­ve of his­to­ri­cal eye­wit­ness accounts has thus been crea­ted along­side the cur­rent exhi­bi­ti­on which will be laun­ched on 29 August in the House of Bran­den­burg-Prus­si­an Histo­ry in Pots­dam. “How will school­child­ren, stu­dents, mul­ti­pli­ers or just pas­sing visi­tors react to this oppor­tu­ni­ty to enga­ge with his­to­ri­cal wit­nesses and their sto­ries by using VR glas­ses?” is one of the ques­ti­ons we will be posing as we accom­pa­ny the pro­ject over the coming months, Dr Kata­lin Kraszn­ahor­kai says. The Film Uni­ver­si­ty will be over­see­ing the project’s sci­en­ti­fic eva­lua­ti­on on behalf of the BGK and exami­ning how the cul­tu­re of memo­ry is chan­ging in the way it is com­mu­ni­ca­ted and how the expe­ri­en­ces of con­tem­po­ra­ry wit­nesses can be kept ali­ve for later generations. 

Image Cre­dit: Eye­wit­ness in Volu­cap © Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF, Pho­to­graph: Jakob Grasböck

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