Art meets Vir­tu­al Production

Art meets Vir­tu­al Pro­duc­tion in Babels­berg. The well-known Ger­man film artist Juli­an Rose­feldt pro­du­ced sce­nes from his latest film instal­la­ti­on “Eupho­ria” at the Halos­ta­ge in Pots­dam-Babels­berg. The taxi ride and bus sta­ti­on sce­nes were shot at the Halos­ta­ge: 17 minu­tes of film­ing within two days. The avera­ge for such dri­ving sce­nes is nor­mal­ly up to four days. The effi­ci­en­cy and advan­ta­ges of using vir­tu­al pro­duc­tion are cle­ar­ly demons­tra­ted here. 

The video instal­la­ti­on “Eupho­ria” tells the sto­ry of human greed. The work cele­bra­ted its pre­mie­re at the Esse­ner Ruhr­tri­en­na­le in Sep­tem­ber 2022. In six epi­so­des, it shows capi­ta­lism unleas­hed, lea­ding into logi­stics cen­tres, a ship gra­vey­ard and an Ame­ri­can bank. The pro­ject quo­tes from ori­gi­nal texts by famous eco­no­mists, wri­ters, phi­lo­so­phers and poets. 

Rose­feldt is known, among other things, for his col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Cate Blan­chett for his pre­vious pro­ject “Mani­festo”, in which Blan­chett embo­dies 13 dif­fe­rent roles. The 13-chan­nel film instal­la­ti­on Mani­festo (2015) pays homage to the moving tra­di­ti­on and lite­ra­ry beau­ty of artist:inside mani­fest­os and ulti­m­ate­ly ques­ti­ons the role of the artist in con­tem­po­ra­ry socie­ty. Mani­festo draws on the wri­tin­gs of the Futu­rists, Dada­is­ts, Flu­xus artists, Supre­ma­tists, Situa­tio­nists, Dog­me 95 and other artist:ing groups, as well as the reflec­tions of indi­vi­du­al artists, archi­tects, dancers and filmmakers. 

We con­gra­tu­la­te the Halos­ta­ge for their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in this exci­ting art project!


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Learn more about Halos­ta­ge and Juli­an Rose­feldt.

More news can be found here.