Dele­ga­ti­on from Fin­land visits Babelsberg

On Febru­ary 01, 2024, a dele­ga­ti­on from Fin­land visi­ted the Babels­berg media loca­ti­on. Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the city of Kot­ka, inclu­ding Toni Van­ha­la, Direc­tor of Urban Deve­lo­p­ment and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, Mark­ku Han­no­nen, Direc­tor of Urban Plan­ning, and Patri­cia Bro­as, Mana­ger of Urban Plan­ning, as well as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the com­pa­ny Cur­sor Oy, inclu­ding Eli­na Rei­ja­sa­lo, Head of Busi­ness Ser­vices, and Jar­po Vesa­la, Pro­ject Manager. 

The reason for the visit is a pro­ject to estab­lish a new acce­le­ra­ti­on cen­ter for start­ups and sca­leups in Kot­ka, which is being led and rea­li­zed by Cur­sor Oy. The aim was to exch­an­ge ide­as for the con­cept with other loca­ti­ons with a simi­lar con­cept. As part of this, the dele­ga­ti­on visi­ted the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam and Pots­dam Trans­fer, the cen­tral sci­en­ti­fic insti­tu­ti­on for start­ups, inno­va­ti­on, know­ledge and tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam, as well as the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the MTH Pots­dam was intro­du­ced with a visit to Volu­cap on the grounds of Stu­dio Babels­berg. Sven Blie­dung von der Hei­de, CEO of Volu­cap, pre­sen­ted the volu­metric tech­no­lo­gy in more detail. The dele­ga­ti­on then moved on to the Media­Tech Hub Space at UFA, whe­re Lui­se Schrö­ter, Com­mu­ni­ty & Part­ner Mana­ger, gave a detail­ed pre­sen­ta­ti­on on MTH Pots­dam. This was fol­lo­wed by ano­ther pre­sen­ta­ti­on by Ben­ja­min Heese, co-foun­der and CEO of Sen­sit!, which cover­ed the bene­fits of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor and the Start­up Ver­band Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg, among other things. Ram­tin Ramin, foun­der and CEO of Seri­al­Foun­ders, shared his expe­ri­ence of foun­ding a start­up in 90 days.

It was a valuable exch­an­ge with the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the City of Kot­ka and Cur­sor Oy about the needs of foun­ders, start­ups and accelerators.

We would like to thank Sven Blie­dung von der Hei­de from Volu­cap, Ben­ja­min Heese from Sen­sit! and Ram­tin Ramin from Seri­al­Foun­ders for the inte­res­t­ing pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and exci­ting insights they pro­vi­ded. We also want to thank Pots­dam Trans­fer and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam for the oppor­tu­ni­ty of this exchange. 

Here are some impressions: