Media Foun­ders Pro­gram: App­ly now!

The prin­ci­ple of the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram is to pro­vi­de sup­port from pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment to the foun­ding of a com­pa­ny. The pro­gram is run by the Medi­en­in­no­va­ti­ons­zen­trum Babels­berg (MIZ), in coope­ra­ti­on with the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor. It is pri­ma­ri­ly direc­ted at foun­ders and start­ups from Ber­lin and Bran­den­burg who have a busi­ness idea with a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on value that will prepa­re jour­na­lism and the media world for the future. Teams that meet the­se cri­te­ria can app­ly for the third round of the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram now.

The pro­gram is divi­ded into two pha­ses. In pha­se 1, the teams are sup­port­ed by the MIZ Babels­berg for the deve­lo­p­ment of their pro­ducts. This first pha­se has a dura­ti­on up to 12 months. The­se are the benefits: 

  • Finan­cial sup­port up to €40,000.
  • Coa­ching bud­gets up to € 1,500.
  • Net­work and events.
  • Access to pro­fes­sio­nal video and audio stu­di­os, pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy and a co-working space at MIZ Babelsberg.

The deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pa­ny is the top prio­ri­ty in pha­se 2. For this, teams will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to recom­mend them­sel­ves for the six-month Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor pro­gram, whe­re they can expect the fol­lo­wing benefits: 

  • An indi­vi­du­al men­to­ring program.
  • Various trai­nings, e.g. sales, pitch, financing.
  • An office space for co-working.
  • Access to the net­work of the Ber­lin and Pots­dam start-up scene.
  • Access to the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve.
  • The oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal trade fairs.

The appli­ca­ti­on dead­line is on June 25, 2023. All fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram and the appli­ca­ti­on can be found here.

About pre­vious projects

So far, a total of four teams have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop pro­to­ty­pes and build their com­pa­nies by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the Media Foun­ders Program.

In the first round, the two teams Snaque and Vertical52 were accept­ed. Snaque has deve­lo­ped the so-cal­led “Play­wall”. It is a pay­wall exten­si­on that allows rea­ders to “unlock” pre­mi­um con­tent on news sites and read it wit­hout a sub­scrip­ti­on. Vertical52 makes radar and satel­li­te data acces­si­ble and usable for jour­na­lists, publishers and NGOs. While Snaque has alre­a­dy gone through both pha­ses of the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram, Vertical52 is expec­ted to join the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor pro­gram soon.

the two teams Cult­way and St. Audio have suc­cessful­ly appli­ed for the second round of the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram. While the team of Cult­way is deve­lo­ping an AI-based soft­ware that can turn text into vide­os and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the team of St. Audio is buil­ding a so-cal­led ” Growth-Hub”, a plat­form that uses AI to recom­mend actions for pod­cas­ters to expand their reach. Both Cult­way and St. Audio are curr­ent­ly in Pha­se 1.