MTH Unboxing: SongPush

The MTH Unboxing is a month­ly for­mat. One start­up from the port­fo­lio of the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor will be pre­sen­ted in each issue. This time, you will learn more about the music­tech start­up Song­Push.

As a result of digi­tiza­ti­on, it has beco­me incre­asing­ly easy for musi­ci­ans and bands not only to record music, but also to publish it. At the same time, social media plat­forms such as You­Tube, Insta­gram and Tik­Tok can help make music acces­si­ble to an even wider audi­ence. When con­tent crea­tors and influen­cers use a par­ti­cu­lar song for their sto­ry or reel, or for a video on You­Tube or Tik­Tok, this can in turn have an impact on the popu­la­ri­ty of the song or even on the visi­bi­li­ty of the musi­ci­ans themselves.

The team from Song­Push has made it their mis­si­on to con­nect the music and social media worlds even more clo­se­ly. Mar­kus Cremer, who is the foun­der of Song­Push along with Ste­fan Kling and Zol­tan Mor­vai, ans­we­red a few ques­ti­ons for this edi­ti­on of MTH Unboxing. He also told us what mis­si­on the team is working on, what big chall­enge they have alre­a­dy mas­te­red, and what lear­ning they would like to share with other founders.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What did you do befo­re SongPush?

Mar­kus Cremer: We’d alre­a­dy been able to gain expe­ri­ence in the fields of music and mar­ke­ting befo­re set­ting up Song­Push. Ste­fan is hims­elf a musi­ci­an and a pla­ti­num song­wri­ter with seve­ral mil­li­on streams. In addi­ti­on, he has alre­a­dy been able to rea­li­se pro­jects with lar­ger crea­tors, inclu­ding the inte­gra­ti­on of songs into the You­Tube series “Krass Klassenfahrt”.

I com­ple­ted my Master’s degree in Indus­tri­al Engi­nee­ring at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (TU) of Ber­lin and foun­ded an agen­cy for music mar­ke­ting (releazy​.com) during my stu­dies to offer digi­tal mar­ke­ting for musi­ci­ans, labels and creators.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What trig­ge­red the idea to estab­lish SongPush?

Mar­kus Cremer: Song­Push was a logi­cal con­se­quence for us sin­ce we had both expe­ri­en­ced the pro­blems in the music indus­try first hand. The­re was still a lot of room for impro­ve­ment par­ti­cu­lar­ly in terms of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween musi­ci­ans and crea­tors! We had the idea vali­da­ted in a few weeks by stake­hol­ders from music and social media, spe­ci­fied the big­gest pro­blems & chal­lenges and then made a start! For­t­u­na­te­ly, we recei­ved a lot of prai­se from both indus­tries very quick­ly, which of cour­se streng­the­ned us even more in our resolve!

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is Song­Push anyway?

Mar­kus Cremer: With Song­Push, we now give users on social media the oppor­tu­ni­ty to earn money with their pas­si­on and musi­ci­ans the chan­ce to make their music acces­si­ble to a wider audience.

Our app is the access to our music mar­ket­place which is an auto­ma­ted inter­face bet­ween music and social media, and Tik­Tok, in par­ti­cu­lar. Musi­ci­anss and labels can make their songs available through Song­Push and pay to be included in thou­sands of Tik­Tok vide­os. This allows them to intro­du­ce their songs to a new tar­get audi­ence, win poten­ti­al new fans and advan­ce their care­ers through tar­ge­ted marketing!

On the other hand, crea­tors and music fans can sign up to Song­Push within a few clicks and dis­co­ver new songs to use in their Tik­Tok vide­os (and later in vide­os on other social media plat­forms). This is how they can earn money with their crea­ti­vi­ty and con­tent and sup­port talen­ted musi­ci­ans in the pro­cess. Best of all, ever­yo­ne can earn money with their crea­ti­vi­ty on Song­Push, no mat­ter how many fol­lo­wers they have!

Song­Push-App | Image Cre­dit: SongPush

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What is your mission?

Mar­kus Cremer: We want to bring the worlds of music and social media clo­ser tog­e­ther and crea­te added value for musi­ci­ans, crea­tors and music fans. Music is the life­b­lood of every social media plat­form that con­ta­ins moving images and har­mo­ni­s­es ide­al­ly with all dif­fe­rent kinds of con­tent. We are working in the long term on a pre­cise matching engi­ne that will be even bet­ter at brin­ging music tog­e­ther with the right con­tent and make it pos­si­ble for musi­ci­ans to dis­tri­bu­te their music even more effectively.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: What has been your big­gest chall­enge so far?

Mar­kus Cremer: Brin­ging a mar­ket­place to life with no acti­vi­ty on eit­her side was defi­ni­te­ly a chall­enge! For­t­u­na­te­ly, after some tri­al and error, we were able to tap into the right chan­nels for the acqui­si­ti­on of musi­ci­ans and crea­tors and sol­ve the cold start pro­blem. But neither we nor our ser­vers were pre­pared for the in part explo­si­ve growth at the beginning.

MTH Acce­le­ra­tor: Is the­re a lear­ning you would like to share with other founders?

Mar­kus Cremer: Show pas­si­on for what you are doing and don’t give up! This ener­gy can work mira­cles and open real­ly important doors, espe­ci­al­ly at an ear­ly stage.