Pop-up Bar goes Punsch & Pitch

Our net­wor­king for­mat “Pop-up Bar” is alre­a­dy in its third round! This time, a spe­cial edi­ti­on awaits you: “Punch & Pitch”. Tog­e­ther with the Medi­en­in­no­va­ti­ons­zen­trum (MIZ) and the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor, we invi­te you to net­work in the cour­ty­ard of the MIZ on Decem­ber 1 from 6 pm at the Coo­kin’ Roll mull­ed wine mobi­le. Before­hand (start­ing at 5 pm), we are loo­king for­ward to pit­ches from teams from the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor and the Media Foun­ders Pro­gram, a joint fun­ding pro­gram­me with MIZ Babelsberg.


17:00 Admis­si­on

17:15 Start of the pitches

18:15 Start of the MTH Pop Up Bar

20:30 End

We are very much loo­king for­ward to our MTH Pots­dam com­mu­ni­ty. Be curious and regis­ter quickly:


And if you want to get a tas­te of what’s to come, here’s a look back and pic­tures from our som­mer pop-up roof­top on 31 August 2022.