Recap | SLUSH 2023 in Helsinki

The Web Sum­mit in Lis­bon was fol­lo­wed by SLUSH Hel­sin­ki. SLUSH, descri­bed as “the most foun­der-focu­sed event on earth”, is a two-day con­fe­rence focus­sing on start­ups and ven­ture capi­tal. From 30 Novem­ber to 1 Decem­ber 2023, foun­ders and entre­pre­neurs, start­ups and inves­tors from all over the world came tog­e­ther again this year. 

A dele­ga­ti­on of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve pre­sent, inclu­ding the Digi­tal Hubs CODE_​n from Stutt­gart, Digi­tal Hub Logi­stics Ham­burg, Ins­ur­Tech Hub Munich, IoT+ Net­work from Ber­lin, Spin­Lab from Leizpzig and ZOLL­HOF - Tech Incu­ba­tor from Nurem­berg as well as over 40 start­ups. Erdinç Koç, Head of MTH Acce­le­ra­tor, tra­vel­led on behalf of the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam. The two teams RAVE​.SPACE and Trueff­les from the MTH Acce­le­ra­tor port­fo­lio took part.

The high­lights of the two days undoub­ted­ly included the pit­ches from various start­ups on the Ger­man Pit­ching Stage. Tina*Tinush Wei­se was also on stage to pre­sent the busi­ness idea of the Trueff­les to poten­ti­al inves­tors. Other high­lights included the Super­con­nec­tors event at the end of day 1 and, on day 2, the panel “How to Gre­en­Tech!” and the Stro­op­wa­fels x Pret­zels Meet & Greet bet­ween the Ger­man and Dutch delegations. 

We would like to thank the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve for giving us and our start-ups the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be on site at SLUSH 2023. We would also like to thank the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mic Affais and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK), Ger­ma­ny Trade & Invest (GTAI) and RCKT for the organisation. 

Here you can find some impres­si­on from SLUSH 2023: