Recap: That was Pitch Night 2023

On 7 March, it was that time again - the fifth Pitch Night of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve of the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action took place this time at Palais Frank­furt. It was ope­ned by none other than the Fede­ral Minis­ter Robert Habeck. Hes­sen Minis­ter of Eco­no­mics Tarek Al-Wazi and aut­hor and sci­ence jour­na­list Ran­ga Yogeshwar were also pre­sent and gave a key­note speech. 

10 Teams - 10 Pitches

Five start-ups each were nomi­na­ted for the cate­go­ries New­co­mer and Digi­tal Hub Award and were allo­wed to pitch against each other. The New­co­mer Award went to con­stellr from the Fin­Tech Hub Frank­furt Tech­Quar­tier, while ChargeX from the Digi­tal Hub Mobi­li­ty by Unter­neh­mer­TUM came out on top in the Digi­tal Hub Award category. 

About the Pitch Night

The Pitch Night is con­side­red one of the most important digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and net­wor­king events in Ger­ma­ny. In recent years, it has attrac­ted not only foun­ders, inves­tors and start-up enthu­si­asts, but also cele­bri­ties from busi­ness, poli­tics and academia. 


Title Image: Digi­tal Hub Initiative