TRANS­FORM cele­bra­ted its pre­mie­re on March 6 and 7, 2024. TRANS­FORM is a con­fe­rence that was initia­ted by the digi­tal asso­cia­ti­on bit­kom and deve­lo­ped out of hub​.ber​lin. The two-day event focu­sed on the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on of the Ger­man eco­no­my. Experts, inno­va­tors, entre­pre­neurs and start­ups came tog­e­ther at STA­TI­ON Ber­lin, the venue for TRANS­FORM, to dis­cuss the latest deve­lo­p­ments and the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks of digitalization. 

The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam was also on site. With its own exhi­bi­ti­on space at the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve stand, it was able to pre­sent its­elf to inte­res­ted visi­tors in order to make cont­acts. On the second day of the event, a dele­ga­ti­on of inter­na­tio­nal ambassa­dors visi­ted the stand, whe­re the MTH Pots­dam was able to pre­sent its­elf and the indi­vi­du­al pro­jects in more detail.

The TRANS­FORM pro­gram was diver­se. In key­notes, panel talks and work­shops, visi­tors were able to find out more about inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies for the digi­ta­liza­ti­on of busi­ness pro­ces­ses. The­re was also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in side events such as Con­nec­ting the Dots. Con­nec­ting the Dots is the net­work mee­ting of digi­tal start­ups and was held on March 6 as part of TRANS­FORM. The stage pro­gram was orga­ni­zed by the Grün­dungs­wett­be­werb - Digi­ta­le Inno­va­ti­on and the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve, both initia­ti­ves of the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK).

The side event was ope­ned by Dr. Danie­la Brös­trupp, Head of the Digi­tal and Inno­va­ti­on Poli­cy Depart­ment at the BMWK. This was fol­lo­wed by a panel dis­cus­sion on the topic of “AI chats - How can Ger­ma­ny beco­me an attrac­ti­ve AI loca­ti­on for com­pa­nies?” with Dr. Danie­la Bröns­trupp, Edna Kropp, mem­ber of the exe­cu­ti­ve com­mit­tee and spo­kesper­son for the Women and Com­pu­ter Sci­ence sec­tion of the Ger­man Infor­ma­tics Socie­ty, Gen­na­di Scher­mann, CEO of DIZ Digi­ta­les Inno­va­ti­ons­zen­trum GmbH and the Digi­tal Hub Karls­ru­he, and Dr. Naren­diran Siv­a­ne­san, co-foun­der of tulanā. 

The event con­tin­ued with a pitch ses­si­on in which six start­ups pit­ched their ide­as to a panel of experts and the audi­ence. The best pitch was then reco­gni­zed by the audi­ence. The win­ner was the start­up hey­n­an­ny.

Here are some impres­si­ons of the two days:

Image Cre­dit: Han­nes Schmidt