Rat.hub I Start­up Pod­cast: Lin­da in con­ver­sa­ton with Binoy Prabhakar

Lin­da about Binoy Prabhakar:

Today, I am joi­n­ed by Binoy Prab­ha­kar. He is the exe­cu­ti­ve edi­tor at Money­con­trol, one of India’s lar­gest busi­ness news plat­form. Binoy is also a for­mer Seni­or Edi­tor at the The Eco­no­mic Times and was a fel­low at the Tow-Knight Cen­ter for Entre­pre­neu­ri­al Jour­na­lism in New York. Curr­ent­ly, he runs an effi­ci­ent news­room, working with inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry teams, buil­ding suc­cessful jour­na­lism pro­ducts for the Indi­an mar­ket and fin­ding inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness solutions.

I met Binoy during our fel­low­ship at CUNY and it was so good to catch up. We dis­cus­sed mone­tiza­ti­on plans for media plat­forms, how to build a gre­at work envi­ron­ment and the myth of work-life-balance.


Wel­co­me to RAT.HUB, I’m Lin­da Rath and I inter­view start­up foun­ders to under­stand what makes them tick, what makes them tick and what we can learn from them. Foun­ding a com­pa­ny takes cou­ra­ge, dili­gence and luck … and what else you need, we’ll find out together.

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sug­ges­ti­ons, just drop me a line via Twit­ter. My hand­le is @Lynda420.

The pod­cast is sup­port­ed by Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam. The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam bund­les the local exper­ti­se of spe­cia­lists and visio­na­ries an acce­le­ra­tor and an annu­al Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence. We were with our start­up Vrag­ments from 2018 to 2020 in the office space in the for­mer Media­Tech Hub Lab in the media city Babels­berg and I can also recom­mend their offe­rings here. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www​.mth​-pots​dam​.de.