
3D model­ling and laser cut­ters in the classroom

How the Has­so Platt­ner Institute’s Kyub sys­tem brings digi­tal and prac­ti­cal lear­ning together

Stu­dents desig­ning a chair, a gui­tar or a loud­spea­k­er during a sin­gle les­son, then working on them as a 3D model, cut­ting pie­ces out of wood with a com­­pu­­ter-con­­trol­­led laser cut­ter - are the­se the les­sons of the future?
The Has­so Platt­ner Institute’s inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Kyub sys­tem could make that hap­pen. Kyub has litt­le to do with clas­s­­room-style tea­ching, text­books and clas­si­cal lear­ning con­cepts. A soft­ware helps the pupils to design an ever­y­day object in digi­tal form. The cor­re­spon­ding com­pon­ents are cut out using the laser cut­ter, con­trol­led by the soft­ware, and built by the stu­dents them­sel­ves in the class­room. Com­plex lear­ning con­tent thus beco­mes tan­gi­ble and can be pro­ces­sed using one’s own initia­ti­ve. This also pro­mo­tes manu­al dex­teri­ty as well as thin­king and digi­tal competence.

But the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry les­son is not yet over: the class lear­ns from working on its own par­ti­cu­lar objects. What does the guitar’s sound box sound like and what hap­pens to the sound if the body is enlar­ged or redu­ced? This is whe­re know­ledge about phy­sics can be made tan­gi­ble, but the tea­chers can just as easi­ly focus in their les­sons on design, a basic under­stan­ding of engi­nee­ring or basic sci­en­ti­fic methodology.

From digi­tal con­sump­ti­on to deve­lo­p­ment and production

Prof. Dr. Patrick Bau­disch, who heads the Human Com­pu­ter Inter­ac­tion depart­ment at the Has­so Platt­ner Insti­tu­te, is respon­si­ble along with his team for the deve­lo­p­ment of the over­all Kyub sys­tem and is curr­ent­ly working on a pilot pro­ject with the Grace Hop­per Com­pre­hen­si­ve School in Tel­tow. The new form of lear­ning is being direct­ly inte­gra­ted into the school rou­ti­ne, with trai­ning, soft­ware main­ten­an­ce and the imple­men­ta­ti­on clo­se­ly moni­to­red by the team from the Has­so Platt­ner Institute.

“We don’t just want to make the pupils into con­su­mers of digi­tal media becau­se we also want to teach them to design and pro­du­ce. By doing this, we are actively brin­ging ana­lo­gue and digi­tal tog­e­ther, and this com­bi­na­ti­on is cen­tral for us to achie­ve the desi­red goal,” Bau­disch says about their approach. “Digi­tal does­n’t mean that one knows how to use Tik­Tok insi­de out - digi­tal means actively par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the digi­tal world. We give the pupils the neces­sa­ry tools and the­r­e­fo­re the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop further.”

The class recei­ves a groun­ding in digi­tal liter­acy so that they can ope­ra­te the pro­gram­me and also con­fi­gu­re their own ide­as. When then assembling the indi­vi­du­al parts, it’s all about them being able to check the func­tion­a­li­ty of their own design. That’s when the digi­tal idea beco­mes concrete.

The Kyub sys­tem con­sists of three main com­pon­ents: a cur­ri­cu­lum of chal­len­ging pro­jects, a soft­ware that works via all the com­mon web brow­sers and, then the laser cut­ter that accu­ra­te­ly cuts out the ele­ments to size.

One les­son, one project

What is spe­cial is the speed with which the Kyub sys­tem allows pro­jects to be imple­men­ted. This is essen­ti­al for its deploy­ment in schools becau­se you only need a sin­gle les­son to go from the initi­al design to the finis­hed chair.

“The speed of the sys­tem plays a major role. It not only allows pupils to try out lots of things, but, more important­ly, to work through the sequen­ces of chal­lenges we’­ve crea­ted. For exam­p­le, befo­re the pupils can design and con­s­truct their own gui­tar, they work their way through a series of seven strin­ged instru­ments over the cour­se of 1-2 les­sons when the indi­vi­du­al ele­ments of a gui­tar are gra­du­al­ly intro­du­ced and unders­tood. This allows the lear­ners at the end to design and con­s­truct their own gui­tar based on their new­ly won exper­ti­se,” Bau­disch says.

The cur­ri­cu­lum is enhan­ced by the stu­dents vary­ing the con­tent with the help of the pro­gram­me and put­ting what they have alre­a­dy lear­ned into prac­ti­ce – that’s how inno­va­ti­on can be achie­ved. How about, say, a twis­ted gui­tar neck? What kind of sta­tics does a chair need to func­tion as such?

Tea­chers can thus use the Kyub sys­tem to enhan­ce spe­ci­fic parts of the cur­ri­cu­lum and use real-life examp­les to crea­te an inno­va­ti­ve tea­ching expe­ri­ence for their pupils. The focus on sound waves or sta­tics leads to lear­ning units in phy­sics. And one needs mathe­ma­tics and a know­ledge of engi­nee­ring for sta­tics. But design or his­to­ri­cal aspects can come up just as well. The class can avail its­elf of the programme’s auto­ma­tic pre­sets depen­ding on how one com­bi­nes Kyub and the clas­si­cal curriculum.

The tea­chers then deci­de­which chal­lenges the stu­dents want to set and whe­re the sys­tem may help. For exam­p­le, if the course’s objec­ti­ve is pri­ma­ri­ly to crea­te an attrac­ti­ve chair design, Kyub will then inde­pendent­ly add the neces­sa­ry rein­force­ments during the design pro­cess so that the chair can func­tion in an ever­y­day situa­ti­on. If, howe­ver, the syl­labus is focu­sing on aspects of sta­tics, then it’s pre­cis­e­ly the­se auto­ma­tic mecha­nisms which can be deac­ti­va­ted so that it will soon be appa­rent in prac­ti­ce as to whe­ther the chair is fit for use in the first place. Whoe­ver is faced with dif­fi­cul­ties must actively search for solu­ti­ons. That’s clo­ser to real life than what the usu­al les­sons can other­wi­se do.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Bau­disch and his team at HPI wel­co­me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share their expe­ri­en­ces and enter into an exch­an­ge with other schools. You can cont­act them at the fol­lo­wing email address: schule@​kyub.​com.

Kyub, a day with tea­chers from the Grace Hop­per Com­pre­hen­si­ve School in Teltow:

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