Fare­well, Fal­se Alarms

pro­mi­seQ is re-thin­king the secu­ri­ty indus­try with AI-sup­­por­t­ed video sur­veil­lan­ce A shadow, a moving ani­mal or rain - anyo­ne who reli­es on video sur­veil­lan­ce to secu­re their buil­dings or com­pa­nies is often faced with fal­se alarms. The flood of video data gene­ra­ted by the­se sys­tems poses a major chall­enge for secu­ri­ty staff. Alarms are sent unfil­te­red to […]

“Lights, came­ra, action!” in the film regi­on of Brandenburg

Film shoots start­ing, reforms to the film fun­ding sys­tem, and films as a powerful eco­no­mic fac­tor - A look ahead to 2024 Gla­mour, crea­ti­ves and con­flicts - this year’s Ber­li­na­le was held in poli­ti­cal­ly dif­fi­cult times and ended with con­tro­ver­si­al state­ments about the con­flict in the Midd­le East during the gala awards cerem­o­ny. Howe­ver, befo­re this, fes­­ti­­val-goers were […]

Visi­ting the ZFK in Babelsberg

Pro­duc­tion of acces­si­ble media ser­vices for the deaf and more visi­bi­li­ty to the work of deaf film­ma­kers Media or digi­tal media can faci­li­ta­te inclu­si­on. They play a key role in peo­p­le being able to par­ti­ci­pa­te in socie­ty. So, what’s the situa­ti­on with ser­vices for the deaf or hard of hea­ring? Simp­le, you might think: after all, […]

Grie­ving tog­e­ther in 3D

VYVYT offers vir­tu­al memo­ry rooms There’s always going to be peo­p­le dying - even in the tech world. Ava­tars that live on in place of us or chat­bots with the voices of the decea­sed - such offe­rings are the way that Sili­con Val­ley has been respon­ding to the human need to cope with death and finality. […]

Song­Push revo­lu­tio­ni­s­ing music marketing

Crea­ti­ve, auto­ma­ted social media cam­paigns ins­tead of cum­ber­so­me nego­tia­ti­ons Lip sync batt­les, remi­xes of favou­ri­te songs or dance per­for­man­ces - the suc­cess of Tik­Tok has had a major impact on the use and mar­ke­ting of music on social media. Music plays the deter­mi­ning fac­tor in con­tent pro­duc­tion. But it’s no lon­ger that easy in the TikTok […]

Digi­tal time tra­vel with ZAUBAR

The AI-sup­­por­t­ed Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty crea­tor plat­form making immersi­ve tours pos­si­ble Using a smart­phone or tablet to return to the past of memo­ri­al sites or to get a glim­pse of urban plan­ning of the future: this can now be easi­ly rea­li­sed thanks to the Media­Tech Hub start­up ZAUBAR’s AR plat­form “We are tel­ling loca­­ti­on-based sto­ries with our AR […]

Moving with Next­crea­te into the Metaverse

the con­tent aut­ho­ring tool for digi­tal lear­ning The mar­ket for digi­tal lear­ning has not just been expe­ri­en­cing an ups­wing sin­ce the pan­de­mic. Tur­no­ver has increased by €35.28 bil­li­on world­wi­de sin­ce 2017 - par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the B2B sec­tor. Com­pa­nies are one of the lar­gest tar­get groups for digi­tal know­ledge trans­fer and e-lear­­ning. They need to be […]

Zeitzeugin im Volucap ©
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Foto: Jakob Grasböck

Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty for Histo­ry Education

The VR Pro­ject “For Real? – Vir­tu­al Encoun­ters with His­to­ri­cal Eye­wit­nesses” When Holo­caust sur­vi­vors talk about their expe­ri­en­ces, they often do this at events, at the invi­ta­ti­on of schools or in front of TV came­ras. But now that more than 78 years have pas­sed sin­ce the end of the Nazi regime, the­re are fewer and fewer […]


More than 3,500 films online for libraries:

Film­wer­te ope­ra­tes a spe­cial strea­ming plat­form with film​fri​end​.de and is now also set­ting its sights on the Ame­ri­can mar­ket  Unli­mi­t­ed strea­ming from a sel­ec­tion of careful­ly cura­ted Euro­pean films for just 10 Euros a year? The Pots­­dam-based com­pa­ny film­wer­te has crea­ted a film por­tal with film​fri​end​.de to expand what public libra­ri­es can offer. We are the Net­flix for library […]

Deep Fake and Disinformation

How the news-poly­­graph rese­arch pro­ject is using an AI plat­form to coun­ter media mani­pu­la­ti­on The Pope as a hip-hop mogul in a white down jacket, the vio­lent arrest of Donald Trump or a sup­po­sed video call bet­ween Berlin’s for­mer Gover­ning Mayor Fran­zis­ka Gif­fey and Kiev’s mayor Vla­di­mir Klit­sch­ko: arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence is now capa­ble of sug­gest­ing a fal­se, but perfectly […]