Backstage Babelsberg

Babels­berg Back­stage by media­net ber­lin­bran­den­burg e.V.

On Sep­tem­ber 7, media­net ber­lin­bran­den­burg invi­ted to Babels­berg Back­stage at the Film­uni­ver­si­tät Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF. Lisa Naw­ro­cki, Mana­ging Direc­tor of UNESCO CITY OF FILM POTS­DAM, led the pro­gram­me, which included an exci­ting panel, key­note spee­ches, the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know pro­jects and actors, and a look behind the sce­nes of the media city. 

Jean­ni­ne Koch (media­net ber­lin­bran­den­burg e.V.) mode­ra­ted the panel on “Medi­en­wirt­schaft in dop­pel­ter Trans­for­ma­ti­on – Die Syn­er­gie zwi­schen tech­no­lo­gi­scher Inno­va­ti­on und öko­lo­gi­schem Fort­schritt”. Dr. Nico­le Zabel-Was­muth (Green Sto­ry Tel­ling Con­sul­tant, Legal Coun­sel at UFA), Ben­ja­min Heese (CEO and Foun­der Sen­sit!) and Chris­ti­an Som­mer (Pre­si­dent of the Spit­zen­or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on der Film­wirt­schaft e.V.) shared their expertise. 

The­re were also key­note spee­ches by Prof. Dr. Lena Gie­se­ke (Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KON­RAD WOLF) on the new CX Stu­dio and Peter Effen­berg (CEO trans­fer­me­dia pro­duc­tion ser­vices GmbH) who pre­sen­ted the pro­gram­me of the upco­ming Media­Tech Hub Con­fe­rence 2023. 

In the so-cal­led pro­ject forum, visi­tors were able to get to know various pro­jects and actors at the loca­ti­on, such as the CX Stu­dio of the Film Uni­ver­si­ty, which deve­lo­ped the VR appli­ca­ti­on “In Echt? - Vir­tu­el­le Begeg­nung mit NS-Zeitzeug:innen” which was deve­lo­ped for the tou­ring exhi­bi­ti­on of the same name by the Bran­den­burg Socie­ty for Culture. 

Some par­ti­ci­pan­ts had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to look behind the sce­nes at Babels­berg. They visi­ted the Volu­cap volu­metric stu­dio as well as the UNESCO CREA­TI­VE CITY OF FILM POTS­DAM exhi­bi­ti­on at Film­park Babelsberg. 

We thank you for the invi­ta­ti­on and the gre­at evening in the media city Babelsberg. 

A few impres­si­ons of the evening can be found here (pho­tos © Sebas­ti­an Semmer):