Net­work Event of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve in Berlin

On Sep­tem­ber 30th the time had come again and the hub repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of all 12 Digi­tal Hubs met for the net­work mee­ting. This time on the topic of finan­cing and fun­ding in the new office of the Hub Agen­cy RCKT in Ber​lin​.Am 30. Sep­tem­ber war es wie­der so weit und die Hubvertreter*innen aller 12 Digital […]

Sum­mer at Media­Tech Hub Potsdam

Whe­ther it be poli­tics or inter­na­tio­nal sci­ence - even in sum­mer the­re was a lot going on at the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam - exch­an­ge and expe­ri­ence included. 

Team CI Hub

CI Hub on stage at NOAH Berlin

CI Hub on stage at NOAH Berlin

MTH Potsdam bei MCB19


For tho­se who missed it, our slot at this year’s MEDIA CON­VEN­TI­ON Ber­lin “Media­Tech Insights: whe­ther e-lear­ning, mixed rea­li­ty or AI” is now online (only in German).

The Dutch Roy­al Cou­ple visi­ted MTH Potsdam

The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam got roy­al visit from the Net­her­lands. His Majes­ty King Wil­lem-Alex­an­der and Her Majes­ty Queen Máxi­ma visi­ted Bran­den­burg from 21 to 22 May 2019. They were be accom­pa­nied by an eco­no­mic mis­si­on of the media and crea­ti­ve industries. 

König Willem-Alexander und Königin Máxima

Roy­al visit at Media­Tech Hub Potsdam

The Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam gets roy­al visit from the Net­her­lands. His Majes­ty King Wil­­lem-Alex­an­­der and Her Majes­ty Queen Máxi­ma will visit Bran­den­burg from 21 to 22 May 2019. They will be accom­pa­nied also by an eco­no­mic mis­si­on of the media and crea­ti­ve industries.

MCB19 -Social Media Grafik Speaker

“Media­Tech Insights” at Media Con­ven­ti­on Berlin

We are very exci­ted to be part of this year’s Media Con­ven­ti­on Ber­lin. On May 8., 2019, you will find us with a panel about “Media­tech Insights: from e-lear­­ning via mixed rea­li­ty to AI” in the Media Cube at 12.30 pm.

MediaTech Talk with André Muennich

First Media­Tech Talk with André Münnich

On April 11th, 2019 the first Media­Tech Talk took place at the Media Inno­va­ti­on Cen­ter Babels­berg. Spe­cial guest was André Mün­nich, CFO at evan GmbH.

Team Vragments auf International Journalism Festival

MTH Lab Start­up Lab at Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­na­lism Festival

Jour­na­lis­mus und XR? Lin­da Rath-Wig­­gins and Ste­phan Gensch, foun­der of our Media­Tech Hub Lab Start­up Vrag­ments has given a work­shop at the Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­na­lism Fes­ti­val and explai­ned how the pro­ject xrdok fun­ded by the Medi­en­in­no­va­ti­ons­zen­trum Babels­berg (MIZ) unites both.

Delegation Opole

Dele­ga­ti­on from Opole

On April 1st, 2019 a dele­ga­ti­on from Opole/​​ Pol­and visi­ted the Media­Tech Hub Potsdam.