MTH DT Chall­enge Batch No. 4

Start­ups repea­ted­ly face various chal­lenges during their jour­neys. Design thin­king can help to tack­le the­se indi­vi­du­al chal­lenges in an inno­va­ti­ve and crea­ti­ve way. That’s why the MTH Design Thin­king Chall­enge exists – a work­shop series that will enter its fourth round in Octo­ber 2022.  On Octo­ber 11 and 12, 2022, four start­ups will work inten­si­ve­ly on their […]

Digital Hub Initiative

Review Net­work Mee­ting XXL - 5 years Digi­tal Hub Initiative

The net­work mee­ting of the Digi­tal Hub Initia­ti­ve on 1 Sep­tem­ber 2022 was a very spe­cial one this time. At the XXL net­wor­king mee­ting & match­ma­king event at Clär­chens Ball­haus in Ber­lin, the hubs, start-ups and part­ners came tog­e­ther to reflect on the last five years of the initia­ti­ve. A review of the last years was fol­lo­wed by a keynote […]

Pop-up Bar

Review I MTH Pop-up Bar: Round Two

On 31 August 2022, the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam cele­bra­ted the second round of the pop-up bar at and with Rotor Film. In the cosy sum­mer cour­ty­ard of Rotor Film, the guests could net­work and enjoy drinks and wraps. Tog­e­ther with Rotor Film, we were very plea­sed to wel­co­me many fri­ends and part­ners from Babels­berg. It […]


Brandenburg’s Eco­no­mic Com­mit­tee meets in the Media City of Babelsberg

The Eco­no­mic Com­mit­tee of the Sta­te of Bran­den­burg met on 15 June 2022 in Stu­dio 10 in the Halos­ta­ge on the grounds of Stu­dio Babelsberg.

Review | MTH Pop-up Rooftop

On June 15, 2022, we, the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam and the Media­Tech Hub Acce­le­ra­tor, tog­e­ther with the Erich Pom­mer Insti­tut, invi­ted to a house­warm­ing in our new office space. On the roof­top ter­race we had a rela­xed chat in the beau­tiful suns­hi­ne and for an inte­rim coo­ling down we had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visit the office space […]

re:publica Berlin

Review | MTH Pots­dam goes #rp22 and OWF

After a two-year pan­de­mic break, MTH Pots­dam was at two major events last week: re:publica in Ber­lin and the East Ger­man Busi­ness Forum (OWF) in Bad Saarow.

Hochschule Mittweida

Group of Stu­dents from Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­ence Mitt­wei­da visits MTH Space at UFA

As part of a Blen­ded Immersi­ve Pro­gram­me (BIP), a group of stu­dents from Mitt­wei­da Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces visi­ted the Media­Tech Hub Space at UFA GmbH in Pots­dam on 4 May 2022. Prof. Lin­da Rath and Prof. Chris­tof Amrhein orga­nis­ed an “Immersi­ve Week” with stu­dents from Mitt­wei­da as well as inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents. On 4 May, they went to […]

MTH Unboxing: valupa

Fashion trends often have a very short life­time. New styl­es come and go. Brands bring con­stant­ly chan­ging coll­ec­tions into the stores. That might trig­ger the “Fear Of Miss­ing Out” (FOMO) of some cus­to­mers, but it seems to be one of the less important pro­blems. Fast fashion is a huge bur­den for the envi­ron­ment. More and more brands […]

MTH Unboxing: Journexx

Qua­li­ty jour­na­lism is important, espe­ci­al­ly in our digi­ta­li­zed and con­nec­ted world. Howe­ver, good jour­na­lism cos­ts money. Publishers’ reve­nues are most­ly limi­t­ed to their own ran­ge. With the start-up Journ­exx, the four foun­ders Axel Breu­er, Fran­ko Melisch, Felix See­berg and Andrej Becker want to offer publishers a plat­form on which they can trade their artic­les. They explained […]

Oscar für Visual Effects

Oscar for “Best Visu­al Effects” goes Nef­zer Spe­cial Effects

The com­pa­ny Nef­zer Spe­cial Effects from the Media­Tech Hub Pots­dam Kos­mos won the Oscar yes­ter­day in the visu­al effects cate­go­ry for the sci­ence fic­tion film “Dune”. We con­gra­tu­la­te Gerd Nef­zer and the who­le team on their second Oscar! In 2018, Nef­zer Spe­cial Effects alre­a­dy won the Oscar in the cate­go­ry “Best Visu­al Effects” for the […]